Chapter 2

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**This is a work of fanfiction, I don't own the characters. I've also had to change some things to make the story work. Hope you enjoy! :)**

Katara nodded and carefully unscrewed the vial. She extended her hand and gave it a gentle wave, unlike before when her grasp on the puddle had been shaky the water flew to her fingertips. Her bending was back, it was now or never.

Katara raised her hand to Zuko's face, for a moment they locked eyes again and with his eyes he told her to continue. She took a deep breath and for a moment the rest of the world melted away, this kind of waterbending was different. While Katara had always thought of all types of bending (even fire) to be a gift, healing was different. Fire and earth seemed to be born of a more combative energy. Air Nomads, like Waterbenders, appreciated the balance and flow of their elements. But no other type of bending in the four nations was quite like healing.

When Katara healed another person it felt as though her very soul was reaching out and touching theirs. In order to heal another, one has to combine their chi with that person, in a closeness that would otherwise be unsettling.

Her hand began to glow and she pressed it to the side of his face. The water passed easily over the scratch on Zuko's cheek, the skin coming together neatly, erasing any evidence of their first minutes in the chamber together.She paused before moving up to his scar. The moment her fingertips touched the scarred skin, Zuko yelped in surprise and his hand flew to his eye, pinning Katara's hand to his face. Before Katara could ask what was happening, a white light flashed behind her eyes and the ground rushed up at her as her knees buckled.

Moments later Katara found herself sprawled out on the cave floor, her head cradled in Zuko's lap. "Katara?" he said, gently shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw the relief spread across his face. "You're okay." he breathed.

It took her a second to process that, although the scratch was gone the scar was still there, a red reminder standing out against his olive skin and dark hair. There was silence between them, and during that she took time to look at him, really look at him. He looked like Zuko, just a boy not much older than her. For so long he had quite literally and figuratively been the face of the enemy. But there was something different about him now, a softness that wasn't there when he arrived at her village on a warship, all those months ago.

"It didn't work." Katara whispered.

"I know," Zuko said in a low voice. He looked off into the distance as though he was remembering something. "After what happened at the North Pole while we were still making our way back to the Earth Kingdom, Uncle told me stories of the northern spirits. In hindsight, I think Uncle regretted what happened at the North Pole. Yes, the watertribe prevailed; and the moon and ocean spirits were saved but at a high cost to your brother and the Chief of the tribe." Zuko paused. "Uncle also said that water blessed by the spirits could heal any injury, even if the person was on Death's very doorstep." there was a catch in his throat, "I was stupid to think, to hope for a second that I would be rid of this scar."

There was a twist in Katara's chest and she found herself frustrated that she couldn't heal his scar or alleviate his mental pain. "Zuko," she started. "It wasn't your fault. You had no way of knowing that-"

"That's the thing!" he snapped. "I did know. This is a scar, not a fresh injury- everything that needed to heal did so many years ago." His voice began to shake. "It didn't work because there's nothing to heal. The scar is a part of who I am, the stain of my past." Zuko turned his head and looked away.

Without thinking Katara reachout out and pressed her fingers to Zuko's face, turning it so he was looking directly at her. "Zuko, listen to me. You are not your past. And the abuse that you have experienced doesn't have to define you or your destiny." He didn't respond, but Katara could feel Zuko's body begin to relax.

Suddenly there was another boom and the far wall of the chamber burst apart. Rock and dust scattered through the air. Zuko leaned over Katara, shielding her from the blast. The debris was still settling when there was a cry of outrage across the chamber.

"What have you done to Katara?" screamed Aang, who had appeared with Iroh at the newly formed entrance to the chamber. Without waiting for a response the airbender sprung into action, using his closed glider for precision, Aang sent a blast of air hurtling at Zuko. Katara was flung to the side as the rush of air hit Zuko in the shoulder hard enough to slam him into the cavern wall. 

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