Chapter 5B

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These action heavy scenes take a lot longer to write than I expected. So this chapter will be in 3 parts instead of 2, will hopefully write the final part of chapter 5 tomorrow.

Katara jerked her head away from Zuko and ran over to Aang. Thankfully, the Dai Li and Azula seemed to be distracted at the moment, likely counting Aang down since he hadn't moved much.

As she reached him she fell to her knees and summoned water from the nearby pool. It immediately began to glow as she pulled Aang into her lap, he groaned and tried to blink open his eyes. "Shhh, don't move. It's okay to be okay."

Katara moved the water up and down his chest. The impact had stunned him and he had many cuts and bruises, but she could tell that nothing was broken. The color began to return to Aang's face and he tried to smile at her. "I'm sorry I ran away like that." She nodded, accepting his apology.

Suddenly Aang's eyes went wide and Katara found herself no longer sitting on the cavern floor. She was caught up in a gust of wind that sent her tumbling sideways and backwards. She screamed and braced herself for impact. It never came, within the blink of an eye, Aang had shot them both upward with a burst of air and spun them in the opposite direction. Not a moment too soon, as the stone hands of the Dai Li burst into pieces where they had been sitting before.

A handful of agents had broken off from the melee between the firebenders, leaping towards Katara and Aang. In a swift motion, Aang snapped his glider out and they headed towards the waterfall at the far end of the chamber. She knew what he was thinking, the water had to have come from somewhere. In a room of angry earth and fire benders, that was their ticket out.

"Aang stop!" Katara yelled, over the chaos going on below them. "We can't leave them." She said pointing to Iroh and Zuko, who were currently fighting back to back completely surrounded by Dai Li. For a moment she felt him hesitate, and she wondered if asking him to go back for Zuko, of all people, had been too much. Back at the North Pole, Aang was the one who insisted on saving Zuko's life, but a lot had happened between then and now.

Without a word, Aang began to alter the course of the glider. As they began their descent, there was a loud clap of something that sounded like thunder and the space above her felt inexplicably hot. 

Then she realized they were no longer gliding. 

They were falling.

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