Chapter 18

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Zuko awoke with a start, gasping for air. He bolted upright, sputtering, trying to clear water from his lungs. But he was no longer at the spirit oasis and he was only choking on air. He looked around, the night covering almost everything in complete darkness. The only light came from the sliver of a crescent moon that hung overhead.

He spread his fingers wide and a small flame appeared in his hand. Katara laid on her side across the raft. He could tell from the slow rise and fall of her body that she was asleep. Zuko was worried about her, she had been different the past few days, more withdrawn and reserved. He supposed that given everything that had happened over the past few weeks that was to be expected.

Zuko laid back down trying to relax. He and Katara had fled the North Pole several days ago, surprisingly enough, after almost being drowned by a vengeful water spirit, the rest of the escape was uneventful. The warriors had wasted a great deal of time searching the Gaang's quarters, and questioning Sokka and Toph. Katara and Zuko had already stolen a fishing raft and sailed off into the night before anyone in the city was the wiser.

Zuko had subtly hinted that they should steal a more opulent accommodation, he had eyed some of the great war ships that sat in the harbor. Of course, Katara had been right, taking one of those ships would be silly and draw far more attention to them. It was much easier to spot a giant ship on the open waters versus a raft. She had also hoped that once the Chief realized they had left the North Pole altogether, he would abandon the chase. While Zuko agreed, he couldn't help but think he would sleep easier surrounded by walls rather than the flat edges of the raft. He feared if he slumbered too deeply, he might quickly find himself at the bottom of the ocean.

Although it didn't help his current situation, Zuko made a silent vow never to return the poles, deciding that he preferred short-sleeved weather. He took one of the ropes that lay on the raft and looped it around his wrist in a tight knot before falling into an uneasy sleep.

Across the raft, Katara lay completely still but inside her, chaos flourished. It had been days since they had left the North Pole but Yue's words rang in her ears. "TRAITOR." she had screamed. Soft-spoken, sweet, and kind Yue was gone, replaced by the twisted features of an angry spirit. "The fall of the Avatar and the blood of the rest of the world will stain your hands! Call upon me or my brethren again, and you will be slain where you stand." And then she disappeared into an explosion of light.

Katara was knocked off her feet by the force. Thankfully, when Yue had disappeared, so did her hold on Zuko.

Katara crawled towards Zuko's crumpled form and waved her hand around his mouth, a heavy stream of water came pouring out. He coughed and lurched forward in her lap. "What happened?" he sputtered, water still coming up from his lungs. He looked around frantically for signs of the spirit who attacked him but the former peace had been restored, not a single ripple disturbed the oasis.

Katara couldn't bring herself to tell him then or now that it was over. If Zuko hadn't been with her that day she might have thrown herself into the oceans and let the tides sweep her away. But she knew if he was caught that a fate worse than death awaited him. So they had run, run so that they could live.

But now they had no plan. Aang was dying and the spirits had turned their back on her. They had called her a failure. Growing up in a little water tribe village, Katara had always known she was ordinary. She had figured that she would live as the others did in her tribe, in relative calm, hoping that the war wouldn't reach them in their little corner of the world. She thought her life would consist of spending time with Gran and Sokka, and maybe when she was older taking care of her own kids. That was supposed to be the extent of her responsibility.

But ever since Azula had wounded Aang, Katara had felt like the weight of the world had shifted from his shoulders to hers. She knew she'd never be the Avatar but she just hadn't expected to fail this quickly or this badly.

Katara knew eventually she'd have to tell Zuko that she had no plan, no idea where they were headed. But for now, she laid and looked out over the black waters, wondering when she'd wake up from this nightmare.

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