Chapter 5 A

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POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT: I have a very very vague reference to the comic The Search Part 1.

This chapter will be in 2 parts, enjoy :)

Katara stood still, momentarily rooted to the spot as she tried to process what had just happened and what was currently going on around her. A hand closed around her wrist, jerking her forward, and snapping her out of her daze. "What are you doing? Let's get out of here!" Zuko yelled, pulling her forward as the ground beneath her became more unsteady. It felt like trying to walk through an earthquake. If Zuko hadn't been holding onto her so tightly she would have fallen several different times.

Iroh was half a step behind. He had his back towards her, he followed them gracefully down the hallway, unbothered by the shaking earth. With a calm precision, bursts of fire left his fists and there were brief cries of pain as he hit several of their unseen assailants.

As they exited the tunnel, Katara saw a crumpled figure on the ground. The tunnel opened up into a large underground cave, located at the far end creating irrigated pools that crossed throughout the cavern floor. Aang was on the ground attempting to push himself to an upright position. He was covered in dirt and looked stunned, but thankfully appeared unharmed otherwise.

"Aang!" Katara screamed, running towards him. Before she could make it more than a few feet a ball of blue fire exploded in front of her. She threw her hands in front of her to protect her face. Katara thought the flames might burn her, they probably would have if Zuko hadn't sprung into action, arms outstretched, redirecting the fire away from her.

There was a sharp laugh that echoed in the chamber. "Well, well Zu Zu it looks like you got out of your cell." She looked at Zuko's defensive stance in front of Katara, "Oh and now you're mixing with peasants. How very- you."

Azula was standing in the middle of the cave, flanked on either side by at least a dozen Dai Li agents. No one moved as Azula continued her monologue. The power was in her hands and she knew it. They were horribly outnumbered in an underground cavern, surrounded by elite earthbenders. "At least you'll be here to see my victory. In a matter of days, I've achieved what generations of Firelords have strove to do. The Earth King is mine. The Counselor of 5 is mine. The Dai Li, mine. Ba Sing Se, mine." she paused for a moment, a wicked glint in her eyes. "The Avatar, the bastard Prince mine."

As the last words left her mouth, Zuko let out a roar and erupted into motion. He sprang at Azula, losing bursts of fire from his fists. Azula smiled, knowing her words had got to Zuko. She made no move to avoid the flames, when they were just feet from her, a wall of earth sprung up shielding her from the fire.

"Zuko no!" Iroh yelled, running after him. Despite all the progress he and Zuko had made with his firebending, Iroh knew that Zuko was no match for Azula. Azula could use nothing but her words and wit to destroy Zuko. He knew his nephew was an intense person, when he loved he loved hard and when he hurt, he hurt with all his heart. Azula knew this and she used it against him, to invade his mind and win the fight without even having to throw a punch.

Chapter 5 B coming soon!!

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