Chapter 14

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**Note: I'm  95% sure the chapter #s are effed up so sorry :'( **

They had to wait for nightfall to sneak out. While waterbenders were usually more active at night, drawing strength power from the moon. However, it would seem fortune was on their side as it was the turn of the lunar cycle. The Northern Watertribe was cloaked in almost total darkness. The buildings looked like dying embers on the foreground of the dark snow and ice.

From making her visits, Katara knew there were guards stationed around and throughout the entire building. She was pretty sure she had also seen some patrol men doing rounds outside. Unless they wanted to face a battalion of waterbenders, leaving through the front door was not going to be an option.

Katara's brow furrowed with frustration. She had wanted to ask Sokka for help, she knew he would have a plan ready in minutes. But she didn't want to implicate him in case things went south. Despite his current state, Aang still needed someone around to watch over him should she fail.

She didn't know what they would do to her if they were caught. What was the punishment for freeing a prison? Probably a lot, considering the significance of holding the firebender prince, the Grand Council would likely charge her with treason.While she didn't think they would go as far to sentence her to death for this, it would likely be a long long time before she was able to return to the Northern Tribe.

"Uh, Katara?" Zuko said, interrupting her train of thought. Katara looked over at him. "I think I have an idea."

In spite of herself, she laughed. "Seems like you've had a lot of those lately."

His cheeks reddened, Zuko wasn't used to having to share his ideas with others. When he lived in the palace and even after his father banished him, Zuko always had others waiting on him. Though his crew didn't particularly like Zuko, he was still the Fire Nation's son, so his wishes were always respected. Now Zuko was forced to work as a team in a way he hadn't before.

He continued on. "Well when I was sneaking in- you know, the first time. I knew that with the guard towers, I would never get by the walls without being seen. So I went under?"

"Under..." Katara's voice trailed off and her eyes widened in realization. "Zuko! You're brilliant!" she screamed, throwing herself forward and wrapping her arms around him. She could feel his entire body stiffen and he awkwardly brought his arms around her. A moment later she felt him relax, and for some reason despite all the chaos going on, things felt right.

She hadn't expected to embrace him for so long, it was supposed to be casual contact. Just a hug after all, something she had done 100s of times with Sokka and Aang. She stepped back slowly pulling away. "Are you sure you want to do this? I know it might not seem like it, but you're safe here." Katara said, sweeping her arm around the room. "If we're caught, I don't think they would really hurt me, but I can't promise the same about you."

Zuko nodded. "It's okay, I understand. We both saw how they reacted when we arrived. I know the risks." She let out a deep sigh, she hadn't realized that she had been worried that he might say no. He had every right to, what had she done for Zuko other than getting him locked up? "Are you going to tell your brother?"

Katara shook her head. "No, I can't involve him in this. I left him a letter explaining things and left it in Appa's saddle. He'll find it eventually. Someone needs to stay here and advocate for Aang, in case..." she paused. "In case anything else happens." The ambiguity hung in the air, like looming storm clouds.

"Let's do this." Zuko said, and grabbed her hand.

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