Chapter 21

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"I don't like the idea of you going into town alone." Zuko said, not meeting her eyes. He hated feeling helpless and letting Katara go alone seemed like a recipe for disaster. They were sitting across from each other on the straw mattress. The room was only dimly lit by a small flame in Zuko's hands and from the moonlight that was able to make its way through the thicket of trees that the hut was settled under. Despite there being a full moon, only a sliver of light made it through the dense branches. They had been so tired and relieved to have found a place to stay that they had wanted to immediately fall into a restful sleep, knowing that they could toss and turn without fear of pitching off the side of the raft. But they were in a strange new territory and knew they had to focus on making a plan first.

Katara brushed him off. "Zuko, it's going to be okay. You know as well as I do that someone is far more likely to recognize you then me and even if they recognize me they likely won't care. You may be killed on the spot."

Zuko threw her a dirty look, but said nothing, knowing that she was right.

"I'll hopefully only be gone a day or two. We just need enough money to get us going. Right now we have nothing and I hope to eat something other than nuts over the next few weeks." Katara shuddered, remembering the many times Sokka had defaulted to all nut diets when they had run out of money. While she would have done anything to have her brother here with her, she refused to live like a chipirrel, scurrying down from the trees and fighting over the nuts that had fallen to the ground.

Katara didn't know much about ChenBao other than what she had heard on her last trip North. It was a small impoverished town, meaning there may not be much work to be had. However, her talents may be particularly valued. She may be able to trade task work like improving their irrigation canals for a few weeks worth of supplies.

Zuko made a noise of disgust. "It just feels, it feels- wrong. To stay here, hiding in the house, waiting while you risk your life to get us out of here."

Katara opened her mouth to explain to him for the forty-fifth time why that was not an accurate description of the situation, when the otherwise silent night was interrupted by the sound of voices. The light in Zuko's hand winked out of existence and in one swift motion he threw himself off the bed, dragging Katara along with him. She gasped in surprise as her back hit the floor with a dull thud. They hadn't been high off the ground, but she hadn't expected to be grabbed and thrown like that. As she started chastising Zuko his hand flew to her mouth muffling any sound.

Without thinking she reached out, but didn't go for the hand across her mouth. Rather, she slapped him across the face and then let her arm fall to her side.She briefly wondered if he would hit her back. She stopped fighting and just glared at him through the darkness. Although it was the dead of night and she couldn't see a thing, she could almost swear she could see him glare back. Eyes burning like hot coals in the dark.

The voices grew louder and she could see warm torchlight fall through the uncovered window.

"Did you guys see that?" said a deep voice. Several people, Katara guessed, a group of 5-6 stopped just outside the house.

Katara held her breath and she could feel Zuko stiffen above her, neither of them daring to move a muscle. Although they had rolled off of the bed, the mattress was on the floor and they were barely concealed. If any of the men decided to stick their head in the hut and wave their torch around, they would instantly be seen.

"Shí Lěi, as normal you are drunk. There's nothing up here, Lee and his brother left a fortnight ago to follow the bear salmon migration. They won't be back for at least a month."

"I swear I just saw a light." Shí Lěi protested and Katara resisted the urge to scream as light from the torch swept through the small hut. If they were discovered, Zuko would likely be instantly recognized even if it wasn't as the banished Prince of Fire Nation but fire kin.

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