Chapter 9

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"I-I-I-" Zuko tried to reply but only managed to sputter out water.

"Oh for the love of Yang Chen." Katara said, giving her wrist a light twirl, bending the water out of his lungs.

Zuko coughed a few more times for good measure. "Um, thanks for that."

Katara said nothing, putting her hands on her hips waiting for his answer. "I was just coming to see if you were okay, you seemed- upset?"

Her eyes narrowed, "Given the past few days, I certainly think I have a good cause to be upset."

"That's not what I was trying to say."

"I also think I said I wanted to be alone." She gave him a hard look, she knew she was being a little mean but the guilt inside her prevented her from being anything but. If she had just been stronger in the catacombs maybe she could've saved Aang. If she hadn't been such an idiot and wasted the Spirit Water on Zuko maybe could've saved Aang. Zuko had proved that he meant them no harm but what was she thinking? She gave ZUKO, the boy who had kidnapped her and her friends on numerous occasions the only thing that would've been able to save Aang. Without Aang the war was hopeless, they might as well give up now. Katara pushed back tears at the thought of being the reason why the whole world is left in chaos.

"I'm sorry, you just-. I saw blood and I was worried."

"Well thank you, but I don't need you looking out for me." She turned away, signaling that he could leave. She wanted more than anything to run and fall into his arms, hiding away from the world. Undeniably they had connected in the catacombs, that was the first time she had felt understood by someone else in a long time. Aang lost his people and Sokka lost a mother too, but it was different. Katara would never know the complete and utter misery of being the last of her people. How suffocating the loneliness must've been. And she would never have the luxury of a sibling that slid into the role of "mother" like she did for Sokka when Kya was killed. But what kind of person would she be if she let herself do that? Her entire focus needed to be on helping Aang. In whatever way she could.


The following day the Northern Water Tribe came into sight. A massive glacial fortress standing out in the barren iceland. Luckily, since the Water Tribe was familiar with Appa they didn't have to worry about being attacked from the air. As they flew over the wall, water tribe citizens dropped to a kneeling position in reverence, as they had when Aang and the Spirit of the Ocean had saved them from the Fire Nation. It was their way of saying they would not forget what the Avatar had done or the debt that was owed.

They flew straight to the center of the Royal Palace, knowing that they would need special permission from Chief Arnook to access the Spirit Oasis. Before they even touched down Katara lept from Appa's back, creating an ice ramp to aid her descent.

"Master Katara! It's good to see you!" waved Chief Arnook. He strode over to the snow covered courtyard, flanked on either side by four guards. How have times changed. Katara thought to herself. Although they were met with offensive sheets of ice when they first visited the Northern Water Tribe, she remembered everyone behind the walls being relaxed. Everyone had known there was a 100 year war raging within the landlocked nations, but behind a wall and an ocean away, the citizens of the Water Tribe had been accustomed to a certain amount of safety and security. The Fire Nation's attack had changed everything, the Chief walked around with a guard and even the young kids playing in the street could be seen with short knives made of whale bones strapped to their waists.

Katara moved quickly down the slide, letting the water fall away behind her. "Chief Arnook." she said with a solemn bow. Before she could say anything else she was jerked forward into a hug as Chief Arnook embraced her.

"None of that Katara! What are you doing here?"

Katara bit her lip. The fight in the catacombs seemed like it was a lifetime away. She had come all this way and now the words were failing her. Where did she start? How did she tell him that the world's only hope might be lost forever and it was her fault? "It's Aang-"

Chief Arnook's face dropped and his eyes darted to Appa who had now landed. Toph had stayed on Appa's back, letting everyone know on the way there how excited she was to have her vision essentially frozen. Zuko and Sokka were working together to gingerly unstrap Aang from Appa and bring him down from the saddle.

"What happened!" Chief Arnook demanded, looking from Katara to her companions frantically. His eyes rested on Zuko and a look of pure fury crossed his face. "It was him! You brought that Fire Nation filth back here after what they did to us?! After what they did to my daughter?!"

"Chief Arnook! No you don't understand, Zuko didn't do this!" Katara shouted, but it was no use. Once Chief Arnook had seen Zuko he was unable to hear anything else, unable to see anything else other than the enemy that robbed him of his daughter's life.

Chief Arnook pushed Katara to the side, gesturing towards the warriors at his side.

"Men! Kill the Fire Nation Prince!" 

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