Chapter 13

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Katara paced the floor of Zuko's chambers for the thousandth time that morning. After she found out Chief Arnook's plan for Aang she rushed back to tell Zuko. She couldn't explain why she hadn't gone to her brother or Toph first. All Katara knew was there was a growing sense of terror inside of her, and for inexplicable reasons, she knew Zuko would help calm her.

"Can you believe him! That low-life, backstabbing, PIGHEADED-" well he could be doing better, but to be fair to him Katara was more upset than she ever had been. They had fought against some of the strongest benders in the world for the sake of the world, traveled across the globe, only to be greeted by a wall of indifference. Their very own allies were prepared to watch Aang's lifeforce slip away without so much as trying any of her suggestions.

"Uh Katara-" Zuko said rising from the chair he had been lounging in across the room while she paced. He reached for her cautiously, like she was a cornered animal that might bite at any time.

She was about to snap at him for being dramatic when she turned to look at him, her gaze followed his straight to the floor. All the buildings in the Northern and Southern water tribes were made out of ice for convenience's sake, this room was no different. Since it served as a holding cell, it was sparsely decorated. Many watertribe homes had fur rug floors but this one had been one singular, beautiful sheet of ice.

While the ice was still there, it was now decorated with sizable cracks underneath the surface. Icy spider webs splayed out across the entirety of the floor, with the largest closest to the epicenter, Katara.

For a moment, her anger melted away, replaced by shock. Katara knew she was a powerful bender, after all, she had excelled faster than almost any student Master Paku had taught before. And he was pretty old. But things like this didn't happen. She didn't lose control of her emotions. She didn't lash out like this.

She looked back up at Zuko and their eyes locked. Without meaning to, she briefly went away and remembered their first minutes in the Northern Water Tribe. The water benders attacking Zuko, trying to kill him, not listening to a single word she said.

Just thinking about it, made her stomach twist.

"What's wrong with me?" she whispered, she dropped her face into her hands, and sank to her knees.

Zuko crossed the room in one swift motion, beside her in an instant.

"Katara." he said softly and took her hands in his, drawing them away from her face. "Nothing is wrong with you. We've all been through so much these past few days, especially you. It's understandable to be stressed."

"Don't lecture me." She said, eyes narrowed. Katara knew he was only trying to help, but there was something about taking advice from the Fire Lord's son, that her pride wouldn't quite allow yet.

To her surprise, Zuko laughed. "I'm not lecturing you, I'm making a statement. Do you know many different things I've singed or completely burnt to ash by accident?"

"That's different!" she argued.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really, how is that? You were about to drop us both into the North Sea without realizing it." she opened her mouth to protest more. "I'm not trying to put your down Katara, just think about it for a second. It's not your fault, it's because we're in the North Pole and quite literally surrounded by nothing but forms of water. You may not have noticed it in the Earth Kingdom where it was a lot more dry. But here? In your homeland, as my uncle would say, your element always knows."

She sat there for a second just staring at Zuko, this was the second time the prince had surprised her. Normally, Zuko wasn't much for conversation and fumbled his way through social situations. But at that moment, he was in tune with everything that she had been feeling.

"What am I going to do?" she asked, feeling utterly helpless. She knew that he wouldn't have the answer, no one did. She wanted to send the whole city into the North Sea out of frustration, there had to be a way to help Aang. There had to be. Why else would he still be alive?

Zuko opened his mouth as if to say something but shut it immediately. She looked at him quizzically. "Yes?" she said.

"I may have an idea but I'm not sure it would work."

"Well go on then!" Katara said excitedly.

"What if we asked a spirit what's wrong with Aang?"

She sank back, the excitement quickly disappearing. She tried to bite back a bitter retort, and failed. "Oh yeah, let me just send a messenger hawk."

Zuko rolled his eyes. "Under other circumstances, I might find the attitude annoying but honestly it's kind of adorable."

Both of their jaws dropped, and they sprang apart from each other. She looked at him like she couldn't believe what he had just said, he looked back also not believing what he had just said. "Um, sorry?" he said without looking up.

There was a pause longer than the 100 year war.

Not knowing what else to do, he continued on. "I thought maybe we could go back to the oasis and try talking to the fish..."

"Right, let's try that." she said.

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