Chapter 15

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**Sorry it's so short, longer chapter to come. Also if see my work anywhere other than Wattpad/ please let me know! I'm trying to get on AO3 but haven't been invited yet. I just found some of my work on other sites :(**

Zuko quickly filled Katara in on his trip into the north the last time. As he spoke, he repressed the urge to shiver. His last trip underwater hadn't been the most pleasant, in fact he almost died. The memory of being surrounded by complete darkness, wandering through the icy waters sent a shot of terror through Zuko.

Katara could tell he was uncomfortable, she also wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea but what other choice did they have? Without a word, Katara undid the white belt at her wait. She pulled off her outer layer and let it fall to the floor.

Zuko's mouth dropped a little bit and Katara rolled her eyes. "Layers will weigh us down, we need to keep our weight to a minimum." She stood there in a white tunic and blue pants. Zuko quickly shed his outer layers, standing only in a thin undershirt and pants. He shivered, now exposed to the chilled air. She took the belt in her hands and tied one of the ends around her wrist.

Katara reached for Zuko's wrist and he gave her a confused look. "So we don't get separated." she explained and he offered his wrist. She doubled the knot just to be sure.

She used her free hand to quickly draw a circular motion in the air. A thick piece of ice fell away, leaving an opening large enough for them to both slip into.

"Zuko?" Katara said quietly, and he looked up at her. "Thank you."

He said nothing, but took her hand that was tied to his and they jumped.

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