Chapter 19

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Katara and Zuko had been on the raft for just over a week, and Katara still hadn't said anything about what the next move was. Zuko hadn't dared to ask, not knowing if he could handle the answer. Right now he could pretend that she had it all mapped out in her head, perhaps the angry spirit had slipped her a plan and sworn her to secrecy? There was also the possibility that there was no plan and they would float around until they ran out of food and died. Luckily water wasn't an issue, Katara could separate the ocean water easily, making for a constant resupply for their waterskins. From the looks of it, Zuko figured they had enough food for another 2 days, maybe 3 or 4 if they stretched it.

He couldn't believe it was taking them so long- but then again, they had chosen to travel via raft across the longest stretch of the North Sea. They had to be coming upon land soon though, the last few mornings they had been woken up by the cries of sea ravens, even the waters around them showed signs that land was near. When they had first left the North Pole they were entirely surrounded by water and ice. Though the ice had gone, the water was still there, but so were bits of trees and the occasional leaves.

Zuko had thought in the first few days he might go crazy on the raft, Katara had been in no mood for casual conversation and he wasn't interested in getting into any scuffles with the amount of square footage that they currently had.

An excited scream pierced the air, pulling Zuko from his thoughts. He whirled around so quickly that he almost lost his footing. He didn't know what he expected, it's not like there were soldiers of any nation that were going to sneak up on them here.

Katara bolted across the raft and grasped Zuko's arm, pointing out into the distance. "Look, it's the earth kingdom!" Zuko squinted eyes, seeing nothing but blue spread out on the horizon. But then he thought he could make out the large bluffs that made up the coastline, little brown specks at the very edge of his vision. Without meaning to, his collapsed to his knees in relief.

Katara who had had her arm looped in his, yelped as she hit the floor with him. He muttered an apology without taking his eyes off the bluffs. From the size of it, he knew that they still had a long way to go. They likely wouldn't reach land until after the sun had set, which would likely be better anyway. Although they were arriving in the earth kingdom and not on fire nation soil, it was best to keep a low profile. Zuko wasn't sure how long it would take Azula to conquer the rest of the nation after seizing Ba Sing Se, but he was sure it wouldn't be long before every corner of the country had fire nation troops stationed there.

Now that land was in sight, Zuko didn't want to put things off any longer. "Katara. " he said cautiously, turning towards her. His tone must have betrayed him, because she froze but didn't move away from him. So he continued on, "Um...what now?"

She choked on something that seemed like a mix between a laugh and sob. "What now?" she repeated, as though he had spoken another language. "I wish I knew-" she bit down on her lip hard, the taste of metallic filling her mouth. She knew that if she said anything else, she would fall to pieces.

Zuko took that as a sign he could fill the silence. He still wanted to ask what the spirit had said to her if anything but something made him stay away from that subject. Instead he said, "I've been thinking." She said nothing, but raised an eyebrow in surprise. He shrugged, "Not much else to do in the middle of the ocean." She gave him a small smile. "I think we should find my uncle. Before you say anything. I know it might sound selfish but really it's more than family. Uncle Iroh has always had a strong connection to the spirits, I've even heard stories that he's been to the spirit world. He may be able to lead us in the right direction."

Katara studied him quietly, mulling over what he had just said. "Look it's not the worst plan, but how in the world are we ever going to break him out? Do we even know where he is, are we to search them all?"

Zuko shook his head, "No, there are too many prisons in the fire nation. We'd never be able to do that. We just need to capture a soldier, it doesn't matter the rank and he'll know where my uncle is being taken. The capture of the Dragon of the West will not be kept secret, especially now my father will be too arrogant to think that escape would be possible, so they will not be careful with the information. Now actually breaking in might be another story."

A look of determination crossed over Katara's face. "Let's do it." Zuko was surprised at how quickly she agreed but wasn't going to point it out.

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