Chapter 11

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Katara paced the length of the room as she had done a thousand times in the past hour. She wasn't a prisoner, but she wasn't exactly allowed to leave. After everything that happened, they had taken Zuko to an icey prison cell below the main city. Chief Arnook had not been happy about what she did to say the least, Sokka was able to convince the chief to stay his hand and just lock Zuko up. If Aang's life wasn't at stake, Katara shuddered to think what they would do to the firebender.

There was a sharp rap on the door, Katara spun around hoping it was her brother or Toph. She needed to talk to someone, with everything her mind had been occupied and she hadn't kept track of time. It had to have been at least a day though. A tall man dressed in the warrior furs of one of the Chief's guardsmen entered. "Miss Katara, the Council would like to see you."

She didn't respond, only nodded and moved to follow him. The guardsman took her the long way around the palace avoiding the main corridors. This seemed excessive, only because the palace was hauntingly quiet, only the sounds of running water permeated the air. Things were made all the more ominous when they arrived at the doors to the council room. Usually, there were at least a dozen guards stationed outside. But this time there was none, the man jerked his thumb towards the toward motioning Katara to go in without him.

In the back of her mind she wondered if this was a trap- surely not from her own people. She understood why Chief Arnook was upset when he saw Zuko, the memory of his daughter still an open and bleeding wound. But he wouldn't take it so far to attack the Avatar's companions- would he?

Katara took a deep breath and pushed the huge doors forward, the sound of steel and ice scraped together as she pushed forward. When she had been to Council meetings before there were often many people in the room, not all of them in leadership positions but just ordinary citizens keeping up with what was going on in their tribe.

Now there was only Chief Arnook, Yagoda, and two other men that she didn't recognize. "Welcome Katara." Chief Arnook said politely, "thank you for coming."

"If I could just explain what happened-"

Chief Arnook raised his hand, "there is no need. I have spoken to your brother at great length. I am sorry that my men and I attacked your companion. You must understand the last time a firebender walked our city, only the death of our kin and the destruction of our cultural heritage followed." Katara let out an audible sigh, thank Yangchen that he finally realized that they were all on the same team! "I am still no comfortable letting the firebender roam my city freely, no matter what services he has rendered to the Avatar and his friends. But he will no longer be held in the cells beneath the palace. He will be moved to the room you were in. There will be guards stationed outside 24/7 but they will see to it that he is fed properly and is brought books and other musings. At night he may take short walks escorted through the city but his hands must be bound in front of him and he must never be alone. And of course, he is free to leave with you all once you decide to go"

Katara nodded uneasily, she didn't think Zuko would agree to being tied up before going out. In all likelihood he would stay in his room until the day they left. But there was nothing left to do, it surely beat the earlier alternatives. "Thank you Master Arnook."

"Can we get on with the rest of it?" said one of the men that Katara didn't recognize.

"Hutek! Show some restraint!" Yagoda snapped. Katara looked at them in shock, she had never seen the older woman get upset like that. Katara had taken many healing lessons with Yagoda and through it all she was always a picture of wisdom and patience. "Her brother and the earthbender should be here for this too."

Moments later Toph and Sokka pushed open the massive doors and came over to stand by Katara. "Sokka! Toph! Where have you both been?" she asked.

Sokka put a hand on her shoulder, "good to see you little sister."

He opened his mouth to continue but was cut off by Hutek. "Okay they are here now." he said pointedly to the rest of the group.

Yagoda glared at him but started talking. "Hello children. Thank you so much for being here, we understand you all have just been through a great tragedy. You all did the best that you could- you fought braver than anyone else your age."

Katara did not like where this was going. Why did it sound like like something had just been lost?


"What happened to him?!" Katara shrieked, cutting the other woman off. Aang couldn't be gone, not after all they had gone through to get him back to the North Pole.

Chief Arnook intervened, sensing a rise in emotions in the room. "Katara, he is still with us but his condition hasn't improved. In fact, he weakens by the day. Yagoda and our healers have tried everything they could." Katara could feel her eyes burning, they couldn't have possibly done everything that they could! They were supposed to be the best healers in the world!

"We don't think he has much time." the chief continued.

"How much?"

"A week? Maybe longer." Yagoda said gently. "It is hard to tell with this sort of thing. Aang had a strong spirit but that lightning shattered all the connections between his chakras. "The young Avatar will die soon." she said, lowering her head. At that, Katara turned and fled from the room.

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