Chapter 3

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**Sorry this chapter is so short. Hoping to add a larger chapter this weekend featuring Aang's face off with Azula and the consequences of Katara trying to use the Spirit Water on Zuko.**

Zuko gasped and Iroh ran to his side. "Aang, stop! He was helping me!" Katara yelled. She struggled to her feet and ran to Aang, grabbing his glider and pinning his arms to his side. "It's okay, I'm fine." she said in her most soothing voice. Katara looked at Aang's face for any sign that he might trigger the Avatar State.

His eyes, normally alight with happiness were dark. Aang rarely got upset, Katara didn't know if it was a side effect of being raised by monks or his natural disposition. She suspected it was a little of both.

Katara could feel the tension rolling off of Aang's body. Although he hadn't tried to attack Zuko again, his eyes hadn't left the firebender. Zuko on the other hand, wasn't paying much attention to Aang or Katara. Katara was surprised, despite the moment she and Zuko had shared she had half expected him to revert back to the Zuko that fought her so desperately at the North Pole the moment he saw the Avatar. As soon as Iroh had made sure that Zuko was unharmed he gathered him into a silent hug.

Finally, Aang broke the silence. "Katara," he said, his expression softening. "I'm so glad you're okay. I had a vision that something awful happened to you. I came as soon as I could."

"It's okay." she said, hugging him. "I'm just glad you're here." For a moment she let herself relax, she had hope again. There was still the issue of Azula and the Dai Lee, but now that Aang was back she didn't have to do it alone.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand. "Let's go find the others." He pulled her towards the hole he had earthbent in the wall. There are tunnels just around this corner that connect the system of catacombs. We can probably make it to the prisoner's holding cells from here to get to the Earth King."

"We'll come with you." Zuko said, his Uncle pulling him to his feet.

"No." Aang snapped, whipping his glider around so it was pointing directly at Zuko. "You're staying here. We can't trust you."

Anger flashed across Zuko's face. "Don't be stupid. We can help."

"Really you think it's stupid I don't trust the backstabbing banished prince that has tried to kidnap me on multiple times?" Katara tried to mask the shock on her face, this wasn't like Aang to act so aggressively towards someone even if they were from the Fire Nation.

"Stop! This fighting isn't helping anyone." She said, walking over to stand between the two. "We're wasting time. Aang we need Zuko and Iroh's help, especially if Azula is in the city." She could see that she was getting through to Aang. Avatar or not, he knew he was at a serious disadvantage when fighting Azula, having not learned firebending yet. "Look- Zuko and I talked, I will vouch for him. We can trust him." The tops of Zuko's cheeks began to burn and he turned away.

A pained look crossed Aang's face, but all he said was "okay." And started down the tunnel ahead of everyone else.

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