I wonder🤔

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A/N: For easy understanding...Italics indicate self-dialogue and bold words indicate verbs. Happy Reading🙂

It's been a long since the last time I wrote. It almost feels foreign holding my pen and pouring my thoughts and a couple of feels onto this piece of paper.

What changed? Honestly, I don't know. It just...stopped.

I used to have -well, past tense sounds a bit off cause I still do- about 5 or 6 notebooks? journals? I'm not sure what to call them but these 'books' had everything in them.
A gazillion awesome quotes and notes that I have found and loved, bucket lists, to-get-for-my-closet shopping lists😂, song lyrics, and cut-outs but the common thing in all these books was, they all had these short, random thoughts written all over...everywhere, anywhere, anytime.
Noon in a cafe, 10 am in a matatu, 2 am lying awake and staring at the ceiling, 4 am -still awake- maybe even cried a little **chuckles...who hasn't?
    And one day, I just sat down and decided to connect these little thoughts. Those that shared emotions and feelings morphed into small paragraphs and I called them My poems. The ones that inspired a long train of thought, I called My articles.
    Sometimes I wonder if I should say I am a poet out loud, I mean half of them don't rhyme and the other half missed all the aspects and structures of a poem by a mile.
You know what, maybe I'm just skilled in using conjunctions.
     Anyways, the bottom line is, I did make not one but 35 different versions of these thoughts and a few I, 2, 2k people read them...funny huh.
     Now, the thing I love about My poems and My articles -can I call them that?- is the fact that I am only able to write them when I am connected deeply to a type of feeling, thought or emotion -professional poets out there, is that a thing?- I don't know the answer to that but it's My thing.
    So all this leaves me with one question...all this time I haven't written, does it mean I have possibly not connected with any type of feeling or thoughts or emotions?


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