I've found you

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Dedicated to Eazzywright
I wrote this listening to Perfect Strangers by Jonas Blue

Here we are, by the riverside on a rainy evening.
Laughing out loud to the happy company of ourselves and the serene comfortable feeling we withhold together.
Feeling amazing at the soft touch of the raindrops as they come into contact with our skin.
My heart flutters at the sound of your laughter echoing in my ears.
Finally, I've found what I have been looking for.

Here we are, at the top of a hill on a sunny afternoon.
Sitting under a tree enjoying each other's company in serene silence.
You lean on me, put your head on my shoulder, and hum our favorite tune close to my ear.
My mind is at peace with the calmness you bring with you.
Finally, I've found what I have been looking for.

Here we are, by the fireplace on a cold evening.
Cuddled and huddled together in each other's arms.
Watching our favorite film in comfortable silence.
Your smile is bright like the stars showing your pearly white teeth when you chuckle because of a funny scene from the film.
I watch you quietly and say to myself...
Finally, I've found what I have been looking for.

Here we are, on the sidewalk on a calm day.
Walking side to side, our fingers threaded together.
Listening to your live chatter, a sweet tune to my ears.
I can't help but grin ear to ear as I marvel at how incredible you are.
How lucky I am to have you next to me and the happiness that warms my heart when I see you happy.
And again I say to myself...
Finally, I've found what I have been looking for.

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