A candlelight

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It's a candlelight that could go off anytime soon
And everything that is, was
Like a flower withers under the scorching sun
Like a tree sheds its leaves in the autumn
Like a river dries out in the desert
Everything she knows now will fade away never to resurface again
Everything will change...she will change
Because what was that made her will be gone

It's a candlelight that could go off anytime soon
Like the mere blink of an eye, it'll all vanish
Nothing will be left behind and all people will talk about is she was
She will be a reality that once existed and is now a past
A new reality will begin and she will be long gone
Long forgotten
A few memories left behind
They will switch their focus on the new reality
She will be part of the millions that once existed but are now forgotten
A speck in a vast universe

Just like a candlelight that could go off anytime soon
With a simple blow of air, nothing but a little smoke will be left behind
All that'll show that the candle was once lit will be the black burnt wick
Just like that, she will disappear and all that will be left behind to show that she was once there
Will be the memories she leaves behind
Like the candle gets used up and replaced
Soon she will be replaced by something new or yet, someone new

It scares her...wondering how long till her candle is blown out
Sometimes it keeps her turning and tossing at night
But she chooses to push the thoughts down below into the dark abyss of her mind
Just like the candle, she chooses to shine brightly
And radiate herself when she has the chance, which is now
For, unlike the candle, she will not help people see
But will make people see her
When she will be gone...the light she radiated will keep her fresh in their minds
She will be remembered and not forgotten
Unlike the candle, that can be replaced with another to just give light
No other will give out the same light as she once did
And that, that alone will be remembered of her.

I hope you liked it
Till next time

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