As much as it hurts

93 25 6

Listen to For you by The Vamps

I won't beg for your time or attention anymore, it's all I have been doing since you left.
If you could just return my texts and calls, then I would break the habit of checking my phone every second all day long.
I think it's time to stop hoping and accept that we are no more.
There is no Us.

As much as it hurts, as much as your silence reaps my heart apart.
As much as I badly miss you, and yearn to hear the sound of your voice.
As much as I need your company, as much as I yearn for your presence.
I think it's time to stop hoping and accept that we are no more.
There is no Us.

I lost you and heck! It hurts like hell.
I can't wrap my head around it because it happened so fast.
One minute I was right next to you being in love and spending every day together.
Laughing and screaming at the top of our lungs in pure happiness.
And the next, my world came crashing down,
With a quick snap of someone's fingers, you are long gone
My heart sinks to the floor, we are no more
There is no us.

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