Friends and friendship😇

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A/N: Hey my beautiful people...I'm prolly want to end me where I stand (hides behind the couch(^.^))
School has been crazy and it has been impossible to be consistent....but I'm back now...with an update! Applause** yaay
So I decided to do an article on friends is a bit cliché but if you have a friend or friends in your life, you gotta read.
Happy reading 😍

Ever wondered how the world would be if we did not have friends?
How broken some of us would be if we did not have friends to share our sorrows, troubles, and fears with?
Ever wondered how lonely we would be if we did not have friends to hang out with?
How boring it would be if one did not have someone who they could share their craziness with, without even the slightest ounce of embarrassment?

If you've never wondered about all this, give it a try.
According to me, it would be tragic and sad without friends.....
Being lonely, broken with no one to check up on you randomly, or a shoulder to lean on, no one to support you when you are going through all the good and bad times.

What do we do now that we have them?
We embrace them and love them and try not to let anything come between us.
It's said that,
Friendship is a collection of hearts ready to give, share and understand. Friends are like street lights, they don't make the walk or distance any shorter but they light up your path and make the walk worthwhile.
They are rare jewels, they make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend you an ear, they share words of praise, and always open their hearts to us.

A true friend knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words. Friendship is not just a word to say, it does not start in March and end in May. It is yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every single day.

We should all remember that True friends are like mornings, you can't have them the whole day but you can be sure they will be there when you wake up tomorrow, next month, next year, and forever.

"Best friend" isn't just a name or a word.
A best friend is someone who's there for you no matter what, someone you can put your trust in. Best friends share tears and laughs, almost like their emotions are intertwined, most importantly, you can always count on them.

Regardless of all that, let's be careful with who we call our friends. They can either make you or break you...Choose the right one.

Ciao Adios, vote & share

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