A bord du train de l'amour

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A/N: This is a little introduction to 'aboard the train of love'. Happy Reading :))
Oh, and if you are  reading using the link kindly read the author's note in the <<precious chap. Thanks!

À la gare
(At the train station)

With her ticket in hand, she heads to the waiting bay of the vast train station with her two bags in tow. She has been avoiding embarking on this journey for such a long time and right now, a complete bundle of nerves, she was already reconsidering the whole idea. "I'm I going to make it to the end of the train track? Is this a mistake? I'm I even ready for this? Is this going to end well?" a frenzy of questions run through her mind.

Just before she decides to trash the ticket and go back home, the distant 'choo-choo' of a train approaching the station reaches her ears. She tenses as the massive train comes to a stop just in front of the station. The doors slide open and numerous passengers disembark in a hurry to get to their destinations. Once the entrance is clear for boarding, everyone on the platform gathers their luggage and head to their respective coach doors.

 Once the entrance is clear for boarding, everyone on the platform gathers their luggage and head to their respective coach doors

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She hesitantly gets up from her seat and walks to the train. Inside, she spots two empty seats next to a window and quickly heads to them. She puts her bags on one seat and sits on the opposite one.

Soon, all passengers are on board and the train leaves the station as she plugs in her earphones. Clicking on her favorite playlist, she leans back on the seat with a heavy sigh.

A slight lurch jolts her awake to find the train hurtling through the countryside, an extensive green landscape dotted with dark green trees stretching as far as the eye can see

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A slight lurch jolts her awake to find the train hurtling through the countryside, an extensive green landscape dotted with dark green trees stretching as far as the eye can see. It gets boring mindlessly staring at the scenery as it zooms past. We are allowed to walk about the train right? Maybe I should take a small walk to get rid of the boredom. She decides.

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Part one will be coming through on Thursday;)

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