Scribbles in Silence🥀

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Dirty palms,
Dirty palms leaving behind muddy prints
Muddy prints on the squeaky clean countertop
Countertops of a dimly lit house in the city
A dimly lit house with huge bare windows
Through the windows, a figure seats hunched on the silent balcony
Scribbling away in a notebook...

In the afternoon sun, lazily swaying trees dance back and forth
A gentle breeze softly lifts the notebook leaflets
In the clear blue sky, tufts of white clouds form an array of shapes
Every touch of the pen on the paper reflects a piece of her soul
A vivid expression of the multifaceted human experience
Restlessness lingers in the air, like a mist that shrouds their thoughts
She navigates the labyrinth that is her mind, blindly searching for clarity.

A shadow over her heart
An indelible mark on her soul
Inspiration for her writing.
Emotions intermingle like flickering stars in the night sky.

A little peace?
Or perhaps an escape from the chaos in the world.

Turbulence pulses underneath the surface.
Pressing questions demanding answers.
The unceasing March of time
She longs for rest but feels that she must somehow face up to the turmoil

In the tuned symphony of emotions, the figure scribbles away
Giving voice to her heart

The sun dives in the horizon,
Casting a canvas of warm oranges and fiery reds onto the silent balcony
A bittersweet smile, a deep breathe
A promise of a new dawn
She gazes as the sun disappears beneath the world's edge.

Thank you sm for reading❤️
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Lots of Love

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