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Woooosh😅.How are you guys? Ik it's been ages but I hope that all of you are safe and sound from wherever you may be reading this, especially with the current COVID situation. Coming up is the poem/article I'm not sure what to call it, that I said to look out for.

As I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, the tears slowly roll down the side of my face.

My pillow slowly got drenched.

I felt different, this night was different, and the tears were for a different reason.

Don't get me wrong, everything was okay.

I was happy I was loving and being loved but I was scared. Scared of loving and losing.

I was torn between loving and losing and not loving and not ever knowing the fear of losing.

And that hurt and made me feel helpless.

But I decided to hold on, hold on to that foreign feeling and just hope.

Hope that I could have it, feel it and keep it.

With no one else but him.

One quiet day I had a dream, laying awake on my bed staring at the ceiling.

I saw a big audience and I saw a girl in white Pjs.

The girl struck a big performance.

I saw your face and I felt that feeling all over again

My heart was beating fast and you asked why, I said I was just happy.

But the real truth was because I was in your arms.

And now lying in my bed staring at my ceiling, I realise I should have told you exactly why.

I had a dream, laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

Looked around at the glowing stars on my walls and smiled. 

Seated on my work desk in deep thought, I decide to try and decipher the meaning of this new foreign feeling that recently started up deep inside.

This feeling that I hear people call love.

And I asked myself...what exactly is love?

I honestly think this simple question is one of the world's most asked questions...and as much as it is, I also think that's one of the questions in the world that gets a different answer every time it's asked. I have read hundreds of articles, writings and novels in my life from Darcy to Heathcliff to Coelho and all of them portray different definitions of love.

Some say that love is an affectionate feeling towards someone, others say that love is caring for someone, others deemed love as something that you can't live without, something that you need to survive and others said that love is, a by the way, a cherry on top after earning a successful life.

Paulo Coelho says that love transforms, love heals but sometimes it lays deadly traps and ends up destroying the person who surrendered themselves completely. Another anonymous author portrays love as knowing everything about a person, you know? Noticing the small things about them that one would only see if they really looked. Because that is how you know someone really loves you, when they make the effort in noticing the little things about you that make you who you are.

I could quote and name many more texts and books from different authors but the fact remains that, no matter how many different definitions and explanations about love each has, they all deem love as something very important, something that you can't play around with.

They say that no one, not even poets can measure how much a heart can hold. I don't know how much mine can hold but I'm glad that finally, I can feel something in it.

I'm not sure if its the so-called feeling of falling in love. But whatever it is, it makes me feel alive and I want to be part of it, to feel more of it. Especially for him. I'm going to give it a chance and maybe just maybe I could figure out what exactly love means for me.

And we are done! Damn, that was long...I hope you liked it /got a hang of it.
Thank you for reading🥂

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