The Darkness Beyond

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A/NThis is going to be long...I think it's the longest and quite yet one of the best poems I have written...I hope you love it

What a dark dark world it is
The darkness covers every inch of it
Not a glimpse of light to be seen
A whimper of hope to be heard within
I search through it
Trying to find something warm
Trying to find life somewhere within
But the darkness is eating me up inside
The cold is getting too hard to bear
I try to find something to cling on
something to give me hope in life
But to no avail
The darkness beyond...the place holding me captive, not letting go.

I close my eyes and pray that when I open them it's all going to be a dream
But when I do there's nothing
Nothing but the endless darkness still
Every day I try
I try not to let it consume me, but the more I try the less of a warrior I become
Strength to the darkness weakness to my strength
The darkness beyond...the place holding me captive, not letting go.

How did I get to this void
When and how did this happen
When did the light disappear from me
Only to let me fall into this endless sad abyss
When did I get to the darkness beyond....the place holding me captive, letting me go

One moment it was rainbows and unicorns
Endless clouds of cotton candy and brilliant rays
A moment of happiness, a bright smile spread across my face
Youth and health beaming from my face
Everything was right with my world, right where it was supposed to be
And faster than a season changes I was falling
Into the darkness beyond...the place holding me captive, not letting go.

Now it's nothing but a desolate feeling
Nothing but deep darkness inside
Nothing but the continuous breeding of sadness hopelessness worthlessness and loneliness
I can't do this's tearing me apart
My strength is diminishing and I'm at my last straw
Soon I'll fall deeper and farther away
So far that I cannot be saved
Far into the darkness beyond...the place holding me captive, not letting go.

Just when I give my last straw away
When I finally surrender to the darkness
I see a light...I hear a voice in my head
I get this new feeling from deep within
A feeling I can't describe, a feeling I can't decipher
I reach within and I get a glimpse of it, Hope's a minute speck of hope and it's enough
More than enough to recharge me
More than enough to pull me out...
Out of the darkness beyond...the place holding me captive, not letting go.

I stretch my hand and painfully pull myself off the ground
I open my eyes and cast them upon the speck of light
And I reach out to hope
The darkness tries to pull me back in
I focus on the feeling I have, the light that I can now see
I battle with the darkness
I push it down and pull myself out
Even when I feel I can't do it
I feel stronger and it is then that I know ill make it
Out of the darkness beyond...that has had me captive not wanting to let go

Soon I'll be out
Out of the never-ending void of darkness
Out of the darkness beyond
The sadness and loneliness shall come to pass
Everything will be right with my world again
I'll be different,
I'll have learned because I don't want to fall back
I'll have triumphed over the darkness beyond that had me captive but let go.

#strong #hope #neverlosehope

Phew...That's it for today loves
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