
55 19 3

It's dark, it's gloomy, it's sad
It's okay not to be okay, right?
The air is heavy, I can hardly breathe
The feeling is dreary, I can't hold it in
Feels like I'm drowning, drowning in the feeling.

Tears flow down my cheeks, the air gets thicker
I'm trying to breathe but I can't, it is like my pipes got thinner
So much congestion inside, so many feelings
Desperately looking for an outlet, but everything is sealed in
Feels like I'm drowning, drowning in the feeling.

I'm addicted to the feeling
The sad feeling inside
Every day I'm sinking
Sinking into the deep abyss of loneliness every day I feel helpless
Every day I feel like I'm drowning, drowning in the feeling.

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