If Only

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A/N Heey peeps
Here's an update for y'all...I hope it's not too sappy **cringes

If only she was a butterfly then she would fly in through your window anytime just to watch you chill or work

If only she were a bird then you would wake up every morning to the sound of her chirping outside your window

If only she was the wind then she'd blow and leave you cool on a hot sunny day

If only she were a willow tree then you would come to sit under her branches and enjoy some nice shade as she listens to you play the guitar

If only she was your favorite song then you would play her every time you felt sad and a smile would appear on your face

She can say if only till the end of times and it would not change anything
She can say if only just to make herself feel better but she'd slowly be dying inside

She wants to feel close to you, she wants to feel loved, she wants to feel like she means something to you
When you say you love her and that she means a lot to you...her heart believes but seconds later, it's back to set
Back to feeling like she's just temporary in your life

She doesn't want dinner at a fancy hotel, or gifts every week, she doesn't want a wad of cash at the end of the month....no

It's the little things that matter to her
Be interested in what she does, ask a dozen of questions about her day, check up on her, don't forget a goodnight and good morning wish, and tell her you love her every second

That is all she wants...if only she could have just that
Then maybe she wouldn't be drowning in sadness with every story and love-ridden conversation you have

I hope you like it.
A hot a** article is coming up soon.
Keep reading to catch it.
Group hug**

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