Time changes

53 12 4

A/N: Hi guys...How are y'all?
I missed you guys...
So, first things first, a huge thank you to all 630 of you for taking your time to read this book...You guys are a huge blessing...you have moved this book from rank to rank and I appreciate that...

So the new update is an article but these are not exactly my words I just weaved my idea into them...all credits go to Paulo Coelho an author of one of my best books...The Alchemist
I hope you guys learn something from it.

Everybody has a personal legend. No matter your age, size, family, society, race, or tribe, no matter what, you have your very own personal legend that you have to achieve. To realize this personal legend and act towards it, there are certain things that you must learn and keep in mind.
Never forget that everyone has his or her way of learning.
Courage is the quality most essential to understanding the language of the world. Love is the most important part of the language that everyone on earth is capable of understanding in their heart. Love should never keep one from pursuing their very own personal legend. If he or she abandons that pursuit for it, then it wasn't true love. There is only one way to learn, and it's through action. All things are manifestations of one thing only.

The existence of the world is simply a guarantee that there exists a perfect world. God created the world so that through its visible objects, men could understand his spiritual teaching and marvel of His wisdom. You should never live in the past, if you can concentrate only on the present, you'll be a happy lad. You'll see that there is life in the desert, there are stars in the sky. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival because life is the moment we are living right now. Always keep in mind that the biggest lie in life is that; at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us and our lives become controlled by fate.
Our eyes are windows to our souls and they show the strength we have deep within. Never say something is too good for you because life might be listening and give you less next time.

Always keep in mind my dear readers that the darkest hour of the night comes before dawn.

See you soon.

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