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    When Shen Xin went out in the morning, her eyelids kept twitching.

    As the saying goes, she jumped from the left to the wealth and the right to the disaster, and both eyes jumped together... It means that she didn't sleep well last night.

    She yawned again in the seat of the tourist bus, and the first old couple who had finished breakfast finally got into the car slowly.

    "Grandpa Wu, Grandma Wu, good morning." Shen Xin stood up and smiled and helped them. The group she brought this time was a low-cost group. Most of the participants were uncles and aunts. Grandpa Wu and Grandma Wu were the oldest in the group, and Shen Xin took care of them even more.

    After Grandpa Wu sat down, Grandma Wu chatted with Shen Xin happily. The little girl was beautiful and had a sweet voice. The tourists in the group liked her.

    After talking for ten minutes, all the tourists gathered in the car at the agreed-upon 7:40.

    The bus drove steadily on the road, with a wheat hanging on Shen Xin’s mouth, to introduce today’s itinerary: "Our plane takes off at 12:25 noon, and I will send you off two hours in advance. Arrive at the airport and assist everyone with the check-in procedures. Before going to the airport, we will go to a jewelry store. This store is the largest jewelry store in H city. We will stay there for half an hour, everyone You can choose the jewelry you like." After

    Shen Xin finished speaking, she was a little bit guilty in her heart. Although this group is a low-priced group, there will be many shopping items, but people in the industry know that there is something tricky about this Xirui Jewelry. It's not that the things they sell are fakes, but the owner of this shop is very good at selling. As long as the tour guide brings people in, he has a way to coax everyone to follow the trend and buy it like a frenzy. And this shop is usually arranged at the last stop before boarding. When everyone calms down and reacts, they are already on the plane.

    Because of this, the travel agency where Shen Xin worked has never cooperated with Xirui Jewelry-Jiyue International Travel Agency is the largest travel agency in the province, and the company has strict formal management. Once it cooperates with such a problematic business, what will go wrong? , Has great damage to the company's image.

    This time Ambience Jewelry appeared on the itinerary, and Shen Xin was also surprised, but she didn't make the itinerary, and her direct leadership said it was okay, so she couldn't say much.

    When we arrived at Xirui Jewelry, the driver parked the car steadily in the parking space. The tourists walked down in twos and threes. Shen Xin couldn't help but reminded him: "Please pay attention, we will gather here on time in half an hour. Later, when everyone is shopping, it is better to spend wisely. When we arrive at the airport, there are also there. Many shops selling specialty products, if you still want to buy specialty products, you can also buy them at the airport.” While the

    tourists responded to her, they got out of the car and walked to the entrance of Xirui Jewelry. They were greeted by employees waiting outside.

    Shen Xin has been standing in the corner, observing the store secretly. After all, this is a jewelry store, and the prices of the goods are not cheap, so the first five minutes is very quiet, everyone just looks at it, and few people pay for it.

    One of the most fashionable aunts in the regiment was standing in front of a jade ornament counter, telling the salesperson the kl price: “Does such a small ornament cost so much money? The stall sells almost the same."

    The salesperson smiled and said to her: "Auntie, this jade is very different from jade. Do you have to look at the variety and color? We are small or small, but look at the water head. There is also this carving. Workers, that’s not comparable.” The

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