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    There were not many cars on the road at night in City H. It took Ye Zhiyou less than fifteen minutes to drive the car to Huanxi’s house. The hotel guests have now been comforted by the hotel staff. In the normal operation of the hotel, it is hard to see the turmoil that has just been experienced.

    When Shen Xin went out, she was very anxious. She didn't even take her bag, only her own mobile phone. At this moment, I was all dressed lightly, and rushed to the front desk with a mobile phone.

    "Guide Shen, you can count as coming." The staff at the front desk knew Shen Xin and said to her when they saw her coming. "The three female students have gone to 617. Our Manager Luo and Manager Li from the housekeeping department are both there now. "

    I see, thank you." Shen Xin didn't stay in the lobby any more, and ran in the direction of the elevator. Ye Zhiyou followed her and entered the elevator together.

    After arriving on the sixth floor, Shen Xin was familiar with finding room 617. The door is open. Manager Luo and Manager Li of the hotel are talking about something. Both of them are not very good. But Zheng Xiyan and Li H are just like everyone, sitting on the sofa in the room and playing with their mobile phones. It was not them that caused such a disaster.

    Only Huang Jing, who was on the side, looked like a kid who had just made a mistake.

    "Manager Luo." Shen Xin raised his hand and knocked on the door, and walked in, "I'm sorry, I'm

    causing you trouble." Manager Luo and Shen Xin are also acquaintances, and when she came over, they said, "Xiao Shen, you are finally here. Now, look at your team members, what did our hotel look like?"

    Zheng Xiyan and his room were originally opposite, and the opposite door was also open. When Shen Xin came, they saw the mess inside: "I'm sorry. Manager Luo, this is indeed our fault. You should calm down first.”     Looking at the Shen Xin in front of him, Manager Luo is not very angry: “Please tell these students that the hotel rooms are all non-smoking. And what kind of cigarette do you smoke at a young age? Are you an adult?"     Zheng Xiyan, who has been playing with her mobile phone, said: "Eh, Huang Jing smoked the cigarette, and it has nothing to do with the two of us."     "Yes, it is Huang Jing. Smoked." Liu H on the side echoed.

    Manager Luo said, "No matter who you smoked it, it was in your room. If it wasn't for our long-term and good cooperation with Jiyue, we can ask you to compensate for the loss of the hotel!"

    Zheng Xiyan was not said by him at all. She was shocked by the compensation, but she smiled and said, “It’s okay to compensate. Anyway, we have money in Huang Jing’s family. Are we afraid that we can’t afford it?”

    “You are just...” Manager Luo said to his lips and still bear it. Live, these little girls are only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he can't speak too much. It's just that the children are too difficult to manage now, and they don't know how the school teachers can stand it.     "Manager Luo, Manager Li, leave it to me here. I will do the work for the three of them." Shen Xin was afraid that Manager Luo would be outraged, so he hurriedly took the load over, "The facts are true tonight. I'm sorry, I promise that this kind of thing won't happen again."     "All right." Manager Luo said, exchanged a glance with Manager Li, and left the room together. After they left, Shen Xin said to the three of Zheng Xiyan: "Where did you get the cigarette?"     Zheng Xiyan looked up at her, and smiled at her: "The tour guide even has to take care of this?"     Shen Xin also smiled at her. I laughed: "Well, anyway, your information has the guardian's phone number. I will call your parents next to each other and let them take     care of it ." I heard the three girls want to call their parents. The complexion changed. Zheng Xiyan finally put her phone away, and said to Shen Xin: "The smoke belongs to Huang Jing, you have to ask her if you want to."     Shen Xin looked at Huang Jing who was standing by and asked her: "Huang Jing, you are Right."     Huang Jing lowered her head, and after a long time hesitated, she whispered: "I bought it online or online." She said, holding Shen Xin's hand, and begging with a thread: "Guide Shen, you Qian Don't call my parents, please."     Before Shen Xin spoke, Zheng Xiyan on the side was excited as if she had discovered the New World: "Guide Shen, isn't this handsome guy your boyfriend? It's so handsome."

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