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    Actually, Shen Xin wanted to say that it would be faster to find a hotel attendant directly when encountering a problem, but as a self-cultivation as a tour guide, she just lobbied to Ye Zhi with a smile: "Excuse me, Mr. Ye, my room is not on the first floor. Mine is an ordinary single room, and yours is a deluxe suite."

    Ye Zhiyou frowned slightly, seeming to be dissatisfied with this arrangement: "How much money can your company save like this? The arrangement is so troublesome. Then if tourists have something to do with you , Have to run that far?"

    Shen Xin still smiled: "If you have something, you can tell me on WeChat."

    The front office manager assisting in the process heard their conversation and said to Shen Xin in Chinese: "Miss Shen, I can Help you upgrade the room for free."

    "Huh?" Shen Xin was a little embarrassed, "It's not so good." The

    front office manager said: "It's okay, it's the off-season, and the room is empty. We and Ji Yue is also an old friend, I still have this authority."

    Shen Xin heard her say so, and did not refuse: "Thank you, then."

    "It's okay, you can wait a minute, it will be done right away."

    Ye Zhiyou added a sentence at the right time: "Remember to arrange my room next to her."

    "Good sir."

    Shen Xin: "..."

    In just a few days, he has to look for her!

    After Ye Zhiyou explained to the front desk, he turned his head and said to Shen Xin: "Look at other people's companies, and you should learn from others."

    Shen Xin: "..." The

    final room arrangement is like this: Zhou Ying's left and right sides and The opposite door arranged a male guest who wanted to live next to her. Diagonally opposite was Ye Zhiyou, and next to Ye Zhiyou was Shen Xin.

    She is really a good tour guide who does her best to meet the reasonable needs of tourists!

    After the room card was issued to everyone, the group members carried their luggage one after another to find their rooms. Shen Xin also took the room card and swiped the door of his own room. The difference between the deluxe suite and the ordinary single room was quite big. The area of ​​the room was almost doubled, and there was an extra study room. The bedroom has a spacious balcony, a luxurious big bed, and a fully-stocked mini bar. Even the bathtub in the bathroom reveals aristocratic temperament.

    Shen Xin thought to herself, this is really a blessing for Mr. Ye.

    She put the suitcases away, went to the balcony and opened the window. The deluxe suite has a good view, and you can see the sea as soon as you open the window. The temperature on M Island is much higher than that in China, and most of the tourists playing on the beach wear only swimwear.

    Shen Xin didn't bring a swimsuit. As a tour guide, it was definitely impossible for her to play with tourists.

    After a brief cleaning, she went down to communicate with the hotel about the dinner. Because this tour is quite special, when preparing private rooms for them, the hotel also specially prepared incense, candles, balloons, red roses and other elements to create a romantic atmosphere.

    Shen Xin was very satisfied with the private room environment. She confirmed the dinner menu with the person in charge again, and then sent a message to everyone, reminding everyone to come downstairs for dinner on time.

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