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    Ye Zhiyou sat in the taxi and looked back at the men who were left behind. Today they were brought to the police station by a police car, and their cars were not around. When he came out, he was still worrying about how to get rid of these people. He didn't expect to see a taxi parked on the side of the road as soon as he walked to the door.

    It is true that even God is helping him.

    Seeing them still making an anxious call on the spot, Ye Zhiyou heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and met a pair of beautiful strange eyes.

    Anger was still faintly in his eyes.

    Ye Zhiyou: "..."

    Oh, he just said how could it be so coincidental. It turned out to be a taxi called by someone else.

    "Two, where are you going?" the driver in the front row asked.


    "Jiyue Travel Agency."

    Ye Zhiyou and Shen Xin reported the place names at the same time.

    The driver couldn't help but raise his eyes and looked at them in the rearview mirror: "Aren't the two together?"

    Shen Xin kept smiling, "Do you think we are together?" The

    driver said, "I look alike. Aren't the handsome guys and the beautiful women a couple?"

    "..." Shen Xin felt that the master's eyes were really not good. But now she has no time to worry about this. She leaned forward and said to the driver in the front row: "Master, I got on the car first, right? Could you go to Jiyue Travel Agency first, thank you."

    Ye Zhiyou Zhang She opened her mouth and was about to say something, Shen Xin glared at her, looking menacingly like an angry little milk cat.

    "..." Ye Zhiyou pursed the corner of his mouth slightly, and smiled at her, "Okay, go to the travel agency."

    Anyway, the airport is probably also the person who arrested him. Today, he can't get out of H city.

    Thinking of this, he glanced behind him again, as if to confirm whether he was chasing soldiers. Shen Xin followed him and took a look. The people who left the police station with him just now were only a little bit smaller, but Shen Xin saw them when they were in the police station. Everyone was wearing a uniform black suit, which was similar to the black scene in the movie. The clothes are exactly the same.

    Shen Xin couldn't help but move her eyebrows, and raised her eyes to look at the man next to her: "Are those people black. Society?"

    Ye Zhiyou: "..."

    He had already said that they should not wear black all the time. It's easy to make people misunderstand that it is gangster.

    "They are my employees." Ye Zhiyou said.

    Shen Xin pretended to be surprised: "Wow, now the black society is so corporate?"

    Ye Zhiyou: "..."

    Their car completely disappeared at the end of the road, and a luxury car drove over at the police station. Stopped on the side of the road: "Where is the president?"

    A man wearing glasses got off the car, also wearing a black suit. The few people who were questioned shrank subconsciously, and replied with some persuasion: "Take a taxi and go over there." The

    man in glasses raised his eyebrows and was obviously a little angry: "You just let him go like this?"

    Several people shrank like a quail, and then sent someone out to answer: "The general manager and the president moved too fast, we can't catch it! And the taxi stopped too strangely, I suspect he still has accomplices!"

Mr. Ye Wants To Confess To Me Every Day (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now