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    Shen Xin looked at Ouyang Tian's resume and found it to be pretty good, so he also sent him interview news.

    The interview time was on Monday, because the company was still not well decorated, so she still arranged the location outside. The interview location this time was chosen by Ye Zhiyou. In order to avoid encountering the situation last time, he also sent a few bodyguards.

    With Ouyang Tian, ​​Shen Xin sent out ten interview notices, and she was able to recruit half of them in the end, and she could jump up happily.

    After finishing her busy work, she wanted to send a message to Ye Zhiyou to discuss the company's publicity with him. As if she had a heart, Ye Zhiyou sent her a message as soon as she picked up the phone.

    Ye Zhiyou: Are you free tomorrow afternoon?

    Shen Xin: Yes, what's the matter?

    Ye Zhiyou: Well, didn’t your dad let us talk more about love, dating you

    Shen Xin:...

    She thinks that the overbearing president is really different from ordinary people, so busy like this, he is still thinking about dating .

    Ye Zhiyou: I will pick you up

    after work. Shen Xin: What time do you get off work?

    Ye Zhiyou: After

    getting off work on time, Shen Xin hooked up her mouth happily and sent him a message: "Then we'll see you at the company."

    These days, Shen Xin will run to the company every afternoon to see how the decoration is going. I am afraid that the workers will be lazy. On the one hand, she did this to work as a supervisor, and on the other hand, she wanted to help Ye Zhiyou reduce some work. With her staring at the construction site, Ye Zhiyou can also worry less.

    The next afternoon, she went to the company as usual, and most of the decoration has been completed. According to this schedule, it will be completed in half a month. The construction time of the office building only lasts at 6 pm, and the workers begin to clean up the site at 6:01, and Ye Zhiyou also appeared in front of Shen Xindian on time.

    Shen Xin was a little surprised, and she walked up to see him with her jacket in her arms: "Why did you come so early? Didn't the company leave work at six?"

    Ye Zhiyou looked down at her, with a natural smile in her eyes: "

    I am anxious to date you, and I left earlier." Shen Xin was a little embarrassed to be said inexplicably by him, she put on her coat and took her bag. Follow him outside: "Where shall we go on a date?"

    Ye Zhiyou thought for a while, and asked her: "Do you know how to cook?"

    Shen Xin confessed truthfully: "A little bit, but the craftsmanship is average."

    Ye Zhiyou I didn't make any comments, but said to her: "Take us to the supermarket to buy some food, let's go home and cook."

    Next to it is the Starlight Department Store. It is very convenient to buy food. Although the supermarket doesn't have any particularly fresh dishes at this time, fortunately, neither of them chooses. When visiting the supermarket, the two bought a lot of food and drink by the way, pushing a cart full of things to checkout.

    Today, Ye Zhiyou didn't let Jian Hang follow him, so he drove the car with a deep heart. Shen Xin sat in the co-pilot, looked sideways and admired Ye Zhiyou, who was concentrating on driving for a while, and then asked him: "Ye Zhiyou, is there no one in your family today? Did you trick me back to see my parents?"     Shen Xin listened to He said that when he went home, he wanted to ask him this question. She didn't want to be unwilling, Ye Zhiyou had already faced her father and brother directly, even if he took her back to see his parents, he should.     Today, because Ye Zhi lobbied for a date, Shen Xin dressed up specially before going out. She also matched several sets of clothes before choosing them. It is not rude for her to want to see his parents like this.     Unexpectedly, after listening to her, Ye Zhiyou did laugh in a low voice: "Why, do you really want to go home with me to see your parents?"     Shen Xin curled his lips: "Anyway, you have seen my family, neither do I . lose "     Ye know swim laughed again, just slightly larger than some mouth evoke arc:" Rest assured, if I want to take you home to meet the parents, will tell you in advance, will not use deception. "     this It made Shen Xin feel strange: "Which home shall we go back to?"

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