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    Although people all over the country are immersed in the joy of the upcoming holiday, Shen Xin's work is getting busier day by day.

    After all, the time when everyone is on vacation is the peak period of her work.

    Shen Xin was promoted to Manager Shen. In addition to leading the group, he also participates in some itinerary planning and customized travel planning. At the company meeting today, Mr. Liang asked each of them to talk about a plan.

    This was the first plan Shen Xin made after she was promoted to manager, and she naturally did it with her heart. Regarding customized travel, she has always had an idea, and she was very happy to take advantage of this opportunity to come up with it.

    "The focus of this plan I am going to talk about is four words, lonely economy." With

    a copy of everyone’s plan in hand, the participants stood up and explained their plan to everyone: “Lonely Economy is no longer an unfamiliar term. It has supported a huge market. For example, one person walks and one person eats. It may not be popular in China, but in Japan, it has developed very mature and has many successful cases. Column. Like a X Ramen, everyone is familiar with it. From the moment the customer enters the store, whether it is ordering, serving, or checking out, they will not see the waiter or even other customers. It is created for every customer who comes to dine. I think this model is actually needed in our country."

    Shen Xin’s planning plan is very detailed. She has led the group in recent years and has contacted many tourists. Her planning plans include some useful The cases are summarized: “Many of the tourists I bring don’t like traveling with strangers, but they can only go with a group except for free travel. For such customers, we can completely customize A one-person itinerary helps them plan the route, hotel and car. Other guests are not willing to go out alone, just because they are embarrassed to eat out alone. In addition to the curious eyes of outsiders, how to order meals is also a problem, but if There are restaurants set up specifically for customers who come to eat alone, and these problems are solved."

    Shen Xin's plan took more than 20 minutes to finish, and the results were very good. Mr. Liang also praised her specially. After the meeting, Shen Xin couldn't help but sent a message to Ye Zhiyou with joy: "Manager Shen attended the first meeting after being promoted today and gave an important speech at the meeting."

    "..." Ye Zhi After you saw her news, he chuckled.

    "What are you looking at? It's about work again?" Dad Ye, who was taking Ye Zhiyou to visit the company, could laugh when he saw him walking, and couldn't help but draw his eyes.

    Ye Zhiyou calmly opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Yes, the recent work is very interesting."

    Father Ye: "..."

    I think you are very interesting.

    "It's okay, don't you have to catch the plane this afternoon, go back and clean up, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the business next time."

    "Yeah." Ye Zhiyou replied and turned away decisively.

    Father Ye: "..." Do

    n't you treat him politely?

    When Ye Zhiyou was waiting for the elevator, he sent back to Shen Xin: "What important speech did Manager Shen give?"

    Shen Xin: Regarding the planning of customized travel, Manager Shen caught the market vacancy of the domestic lonely economy and wanted to engage in a pedestrian tour. Eat with one person!

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