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    The last time Mr. Liang and the owner of Xirui Jewelry colluded to take tourists to the store for consumption without authorization. This is not the first time that Jiyue has happened. It's just that Mr. Liang had bad luck last time and the incident caused the police station, which disturbed Ji Yue's chairman.

    Jiyue’s chairman is very strict in the management of the company, otherwise the company will not grow to its current scale step by step. But the son he gave birth to, did not take care of it. Some of Tao Haoran's behind-the-scenes activities are no less than Mr. Liang. If you really need to investigate them, you can find him in the game.

    This is also one of the reasons why Yu is unwilling to cooperate with Tao Haoran. This project is handed over to Tao Haoran, and Yu Yi is really worried.

    Tao Haoran didn't get any benefit from Shen Xin, and Yu didn't mean to change his mind. He was naturally in a bad mood. Originally this was a good project, but as soon as it got into his hands, it was going to be pornographic. Tao Haoran could imagine how the old man would educate him.

    Tao Haoran, who was upset, had no intention of company, and went out to find friends for a drink. This time he did all this to please Li Muyao. Now that it has developed into this way, he still said to Li Muyao: "That friend of yours has resigned from Ji Yue."

    Li Muyao was stunned when she received the news. She just didn't want Shen Xin to go to City A, so why did she resign? But this is not her most concerned issue. What she wants to know most is whether Shen Xin will go to City A. "Then what is her next plan?" Mr.

    Tao: I heard that she is going to continue working on that project, and she plans to cooperate with Yu.

    Li Muyao laughed at this and sent a message: "Cooperate with Yu? She?" Mr.

    Tao: There seems to be someone behind her who is supporting her, and I haven't found out for the time being. Li Meimei, to help you do this, the project is going to be pornographic, should you say it?

    The corner of Li Muyao's mouth evokes a ridiculous arc. The thing is not done, so I am ashamed to let her express it?

    Li Muyao: When will Mr. Tao come to City A, I will invite you to dinner Mr.

    Tao: It's agreed that

    Li Muyao put down his cell phone and felt a little bad. She originally wanted to wait for Ye Zhiyou to launch an offensive against him after he returned to the company, but if Shen Xin came back with him, it would be a hindrance to her. She was even more worried that the person Tao Haoran said behind helping Shen Xin was Ye Zhiyou.

    Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sneer at the corner of her mouth. She knew that Shen Xin was only interested in Ye Zhiyou's money. Such a woman, even if Ye Zhiyou was really confused by her for a while, the Ye family wouldn't be able to let her in.

    Li Muyao's heart suddenly settled a lot.

    Shen Xin was really interested in Ye Zhiyou's money now. After starting to prepare the company, Shen Xin found out where he wanted money! Without money, it's hard to move!

    Apart from other things, just choosing a decent address for the company is a lot of money.

    "I probably researched it and thought it would be too costly to follow your plan. Or just rent a small place, and the decoration doesn't need to be so gorgeous, and the money is spent on the blade." After reading the plan Ye Zhiyou sent her, Shen Xin persuaded him.

    Of course, Ye Zhiyou didn’t listen to her, and even despised: “We are going to set up a formal company, not a small workshop on the street. The shop is finished with a little paint. Will you feel professional when you walk in? Still cooperating with Yu? I don’t think anyone selling fried fruit on the street will cooperate with you."

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