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   Shen Xin's heartbeat was beaten inexplicably, and she forgot everything she wanted to say.

    She coughed dryly to cover up her sudden embarrassment: "Well, since people have found you, go up and rest."

    After speaking, Shen Xin went for a walk.

    Ye Zhiyou followed her and walked into the elevator together. He stood next to Shen Xin, looking down at her strangely: "What happened to you suddenly?"

    "...No, it's nothing." Shen Xin was afraid that his careful thoughts would be discovered, so he panicked casually, "Thank God. My job has been saved."

    Ye Zhiyou said "Oh" with carelessness: "That's not necessarily the case."

    Shen Xin: "..."

    It's really that I can't spit out ivory!

    After tossing all morning, the wind finally stopped in the afternoon, and the sun gradually revealed his face. Seeing that the weather had improved, Shen Xin informed everyone that he could leave according to the original schedule in the afternoon. Because it is close to the end of the itinerary, she will take everyone to some large shopping malls on M Island in the past two days. Although it is also shopping, many specialty products of M Island can only be bought there, which is still very commemorative. Besides, if you come out anyway, you still have to bring something to friends and relatives.

    Of course, the most important thing is that it is safe there. :)

    Qin Yun and Du Xinyu had just gone through life and death in the morning, and they hadn't gotten over now. They didn't go on the afternoon schedule and stayed in the hotel to rest. After leaving, Shen Xin sent a message to both of them, asking if they had anything they wanted to buy, and she could help them bring it back.

    It was a pity that I didn't go to the characteristic shopping mall when I came to M Island, so both of them sent her something. Considering it was a helper, they only picked something that was convenient to carry for her to help.

    The characteristic shopping plaza on M Island has a large area and a large variety of goods. The members of the group strolled in it for an afternoon, and they were still a little bit unsatisfied. On the way back, Shen Xin took them to dinner first, and then asked the bus to take them back to the hotel.

    When I arrived at the hotel, I just met the two sisters of the Qin family and Mu Mu who had come back from dinner, and Shen Xin directly handed the things to Qin Yun. She personally took Du Xinyu's things to him, and she happened to want to chat with him.

    Du Xinyu didn't go out for dinner at night, so he asked the hotel to bring him a meal. When Shen Xin came up, the plates on his table hadn't been cleaned, and they were lying there in a mess.

    "Sorry, tour guide Shen, it's a little messy." Du Xinyu tidied up briefly, and asked Shen Xin to sit down on the sofa, "I'm really sorry for what happened this morning, and thank you for bringing things for me."

    "It doesn't matter, it should be." Shen Xin smiled, and didn't go around the circle anymore, and went straight to the topic, "Actually, I came to see you, and I want to talk to you about Qin Yun."

    Shen Xin asked everyone who participated in the group. Everyone talked, Du Xinyu had heard about it and knew what she meant. He was silent for a while with his fingers overlapped, and then slowly said: "To be honest, when I first learned that Qin Yun lied to me, I was shocked and angry. Although the past few days have not been long, I am sincere. , I really want to continue to develop with her."

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