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    The atmosphere is more stagnant than before.

    At first, everyone just didn't speak, but it seemed that they were holding their breath now.

    Only the driver in the whole car drove the car unconsciously.

    Shen Xin reacted first, pushed Ye Zhiyou away, and stood up from his arms. The moment the soft lips left, Ye Zhiyou felt a nostalgia that he couldn't explain clearly.

    "Cough..." He coughed slightly uncomfortably, and actively explained, "You didn't stand firm just now, I want to help you."

    Shen Xin stared at him without speaking, but if you look closely, you will find that the roots of her ears are slightly red. .

    She knew it was an accident just now. According to Mr. Ye's usual narcissistic style, he did not say that she deliberately fell into his arms, and it was good to kiss him deliberately.

    But... just now everyone in the car has seen it, she wants to save face!

    Shen Xin really wanted to ask the driver to stop, and then rushed home to bury herself in a quilt, but she couldn't.

    Not only can't, she has to stay with all the people in the car for a whole week.

    Social animals are really too difficult.

    "That, misunderstanding." Manager Lu finally recovered from the shock, and jumped out to make a round of it, "Everyone is young, don't take it to

    your heart ." At this moment, he didn't let Shen Xin go to enlighten Ye Zhiyou. Now, he felt that Shen Xin might need more enlightenment than Ye Zhiyou.

    He pulled Shen Xin to the back row and sat down, and walked to the middle of the car with an awkward smile, presided over the overall situation: "It will take a while for our car to get to the airport.

    Why don't we listen to music and relax." There is nothing wrong with Manager Lu. Yes, only the playlist in my mobile phone. He clicked on the playlist and turned the phone's voice to the maximum.

    "Senri Difa, I want to take you back to Karma..."

    The atmosphere in the car was slightly loosened.

    Just in the singing of a dragon on the left and a rainbow on the right, what happened just now was tacitly revealed by everyone.

    Shen Xin's heartbeat finally stopped so fast.

    Someone slowly started talking in the car, and occasionally laughter was heard. Ye Zhiyou had been sitting alone by the window due to his strong aura, and no one came up to talk to him.

    Zhou Ying, who was sitting two rows in front of him, glanced at him inadvertently again.

    Liang Qianqian, who was next to Zhou Ying, had noticed her small movements a long time ago, and deliberately teased her: "What are you looking at?"

    "It's nothing, just move around." Zhou Ying was embarrassed to say that she was watching Ye Zhiyou.

    Zhou Ying and Liang Qianqian were on this blind date together. They thought that even if they couldn't find the right person, it would be nice to travel as a girlfriend.

    Liang Qianqian didn't directly expose her. She also took a peek at Ye Zhiyou's direction, and then smiled at Zhou Ying secretly: "Did you just say that Mr. Ye, who has no sense of time, would you not consider it?"

    "..." Zhou Ying subconsciously retorted, "I didn't know that he was so handsome just now."

    Liang Qianqian laughed out loud with a " pouch": "Oh, he looks handsome, but he is so handsome."

Mr. Ye Wants To Confess To Me Every Day (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now