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    In the end, the little cousin did not find a candy from Ye Zhiyou.

    In the evening, my aunt led the little cousin to check into the best hotel in H city, and Ye Zhiyou took a large box of dim sum he ordered in Zhiwei Building and drove back to his home.

    Fearing that the dim sum would be broken by the bumps on the road, Ye Zhiyou drove the car very slowly, and carefully fastened the safety belt for the dim sum and the passenger seat.

    When he drove the car to the front of Building 29, he stopped. Looking at Li Shutang's house, Ye Zhiyou took out his cell phone and sent a message to Shen Xin: "Have you gotten home?"

    Shen Xin: Here , what's the matter?

    Ye Zhiyou: I'm at your door. Come out and have something for you.

    Shen Xin: What is it?

    Ye Zhiyou: Eat it.

    Shen Xin opened the door of Li Shutang's house three seconds later, ran to Ye Zhiyou's car, and looked at him with a smile: "Mr. Ye!"

    "..." Ye Zhiyou looked at her flattery. I didn't feel disgusted at all, but smiled in a rather pleasant mood. He opened the door of the car, unfastened the seat belt for the food box, and then carefully lifted off the car: "I bought some snacks in Zhiwei Building, you can take them back to eat."

    Shen Xin saw "some snacks" in his mouth. , Some were dumbfounded: "This... is too much!"

    Ye Zhiyou said: "Not many, only six of each kind of pastry." He originally wanted the kitchen to make more, but considering that the shelf life of the pastries is not long , Shen Xin may not finish eating for a while.

    Shen Xin turned out to have a heavy food container in his hand, which felt too similar to her last anti-face mask: "Six of each type? How many kinds did you make in total?"

    "Eighteen kinds, all are here."

    Shen Xin: "..."

    Is this the way a man with an annual salary of 100 million makes a purchase?

    "It's so heavy." Shen Xin originally wanted to open the lid to take a look, but found that she might not be able to lift one hand at all, so she gave up, "You have done so much, how can I finish eating?"

    Ye Zhiyou said: "Didn't you live with Li Shutang? Let's eat with her, but you can't give Xie Kaihuai."

    Shen Xin: "..."

    "But you can show him." Ye Zhiyou added.

    Shen Xin: "..."

    She looked at Ye Zhiyou for a while, and asked him sincerely, "Mr. Ye, what exactly does Xie Kaihuai have against you?"

    Ye Zhiyou said nonsense seriously: "He is too stupid. He has said several times that he still has to make a mistake. I think he gets angry."

    Shen Xin: "..."


    She looked down at the oversized food box in her hand, and smiled at Ye Zhiyou: "You wait for me here, I'll come out right away."

    She didn't say what she was going to do, Ye Zhiyou saw her turn around He walked into the house and waited on the spot. After a while, Shen Xin took out a box of snacks. The dim sum box is one of the layers of the big food box Ye Zhiyou gave her, but the dim sum in it was selected by her.

    "Take these home and eat them. I haven't eaten all the dim sum in Zhiweilou, but among the ones I have eaten, these are the best ones. You can try them too." Shen Xin said, she put her hands on her hands. The dim sum in it was handed over.

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