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    shen xin was startled slightly, and moved aside uncomfortably: "mr. ye, i'll do it myself."

    ye zhiyou took her ankle to prevent her from moving: "don't move. i have both hands on my hands. the medicine is over, let me wipe it for you this time. i will leave this medicine here, and you remember to wipe it yourself afterwards."

    "oh..." shen xin hesitated and responded, "thank you, then."

    "well, you do thank me."

    "..." shen xin suddenly stopped thanking him.

    ye zhiyou was very serious when giving medicine to shen xin, and he was very accurate, so that she wouldn't hurt her. shen xin looked down at him for a while, and asked curiously, "mr. ye, how did you know that my leg was hurt?"

    ye zhiyou helped her massage while returning to her: "i saw it at the beach today."

    "oh... …" unexpectedly, mr. ye was quite careful.

    "okay, that's it." ye zhiyou helped shen xin finish the medicine and put her trousers down. "you will follow me to massage like this afterwards."

    shen xin kept watching him give herself medicine. after ye zhi raised his head after lobbying, the distance between the two suddenly pulled in.

    ye zhiyou can feel shen xin's warm nose blowing on her face. her skin is very white, with almost no blemishes visible. her facial features are also very delicate. in addition to her big eyes and long eyelashes, her lips are also rare and beautiful. .

    shen xin also stared at ye zhiyou in a daze. such a close distance reminded her of the oolong kiss when she was in the car. the heart was beating fast, but the first thought that came to her mind at this time was that ye zhiyou's eyes were so beautiful.

    after a few seconds of froze, the two people came back to their senses at the same time. mr. ye, who has always been overconfident, rarely showed an uncomfortable look: "well, if you have nothing to do, i will go back to the room for a meeting. medicine. i put it here, you remember to wipe it."

    "oh, okay." shen xin lowered his head and responded, and then heard the sound of closing the door.

    after confirming that ye zhiyou had left her room, shen xin was relieved and leaned on the back of the sofa behind him.

    beauty can kill people! just now, she must have had that kind of reaction because mr. ye was so good-looking.

    after inadvertently glanced at the medicine bottle left by ye zhiyou, shen xin quickly stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

    in the evening, she watched the tv series for a while and fell asleep early. the next day, she was awakened by the sound of the phone.

    she glanced at the wall clock on the opposite wall, and it was exactly six o'clock. struggling to pull the phone on the bedside, shen

    xinqiang gave a spirited "hello": "miss liang, what's the matter?" liang qianqian on the other side seemed to be much better in spirit than her, with joy in her voice: "shen" tour guide, i have something to discuss with you, which is the itinerary for the next two days. can chen peng and i not participate? we want to play in m island by ourselves."

    "huh?" this sinking doze was completely awake, and quickly sat up straight and said to her, "this is not so good, since i joined the group, i can't leave the team without authorization. and i also have to be responsible for your safety. ah."

Mr. Ye Wants To Confess To Me Every Day (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now