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    The tense atmosphere in the office was interrupted by Ye Zhiyou so much, and it dissipated a lot. The eyes of the three people in the room unanimously focused on the black card in Ye Zhiyou's hand.

    Ye Zhiyou walked in comfortably, and sat down on the sofa on the side of the office: "I just heard you talk, but there is one person missing from the blind date group, right? I signed up."

    He kept introducing the tour of the eight European countries with him. The employees, also stood at the door in a daze at this moment. The people in the head office took a look at her, and she reacted: "This is Mr. Ye, he is here with Shen Xin."

    Everyone's eyes fell on Shen Xin again, and the people in the head office groaned a little. Quickly make a decision: "Then let Shen Xin take charge of this matter."

    "...Huh?" Shen Xin was also dumbfounded. Zhou Peipei has been following up this regiment, but it fell on his shoulders in the blink of an eye. .

    Life is full of surprises everywhere.

    "Ah what? Since it is your customer, you are responsible for the end." The head office person finished speaking, and instructed the staff at the door, "You take Mr. Ye to the VIP room to rest first, and we will end it immediately. "

    Okay." The staff nodded and smiled at Ye Zhiyou, "Mr. Ye, please here."

    Ye Zhiyou stood up cooperatively and followed her out.

    Zhou Peipei never dreamed that, only a second after she saw the joke, a high-quality male guest would come to heaven.

    She hates it.

    "You won't get a good return!" She stomped her foot heavily, pressed a cruel word, and ran away unwillingly.

    The person in the head office did not care about her, but explained to Shen Xin: "You will be responsible for this blind date trip. You do it well, and you do it well, and you will take over the position of Zhou Peipei."

    Shen Xin he Yes, although she was only a promotion ambassador for the branch, she was only approved by the head office. People in the head office still know her to a certain extent. She graduated from a prestigious university and can speak two foreign languages. She was originally one of the company's key training targets.

    "Of course, if you didn't do it well, let's go with Zhou Peipei. You are not at all responsible for this matter today." The head office person gave her a sweet date and didn't forget to beat her twice.

    The leader gave the opportunity, and of course Shen Xin couldn’t persuade: "Leader rest assured, I must be prepared."

    "Well, then you go to work first."

    Shen Xin came out of the office, got all the information, and went to the VIP room to find Ye. Zhiyou.

    Ye Zhiyou was sitting on the sofa playing with a mobile phone, Shen Xin knocked on the door, coughed and walked to sit down opposite him.

    Ye Zhiyou raised his eyes to look at her, and put away the phone: "I'm finished training?"

    "..." Shen Xin couldn't figure it out. Why is such a good-looking person so boring when he speaks!

    Shen Xin ignored his questions, opened up the information one by one, and smiled at him: "Mr. Ye, you have decided to participate in our blind date trip, right?"

    Ye Zhiyou said "Isn’t you going to be expelled if I don’t participate? I’m a person who always knows you. You helped me once at the police station, and I also helped you once."

Mr. Ye Wants To Confess To Me Every Day (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now