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    Shen Xin's heartbeat was fast at this moment. When she faced those people just now, her heartbeat didn't.

    She finally knew why so many people liked the scene of heroes saving the United States.

    Ye Zhiyou firmly clamped the man's hand on the opposite side. His hands were so powerful that he directly pinched the man's face. When the few people behind saw this, they all came up to help. Jian Hang walked up quickly and looked at them warningly: "What do you want to do? You had better not mess around. There is monitoring here, and anyone who has something wrong. Don't even think about running."

    Those people seemed to be a little afraid of monitoring, and they stopped one after another. The people from this coffee shop also came out from inside and looked at them. Seeing that there were more people, the leading man shook off Ye Zhiyou's iron-like hands, and quickly confessed to the people behind him: "Go."

    Those people left quickly, and Ye Zhiyou didn't. After chasing them, he saw them getting in a car on the side of the road and told Jian Hang, "Go and check."

    "I know Mr. Ye." The

    coffee shop clerk walked up to them and asked them: "Are you okay?" Several men have stood here for a while. "

    Ye know tour with him and said" all right ", turned around to see Shen's side, she carefully looked at it again:" Are you okay? "

    Shen Xin shook his head: "I'm fine. "The

    clerk heard that they were all right, so he went back to the store. Ye Zhiyou's car was parked in front of the cafe. He readjusted his cufflinks and said to Shen Xin, "Get in the car first." "

    Shen Xin followed Ye Zhiyou into the car and asked him curiously: "Why are you here?" "

    I heard that you are interviewing here, so come and have a look. After Ye Zhi's lobbying, his brows frowned slightly, "Who were those people just now?" "

    Shen Xin said: "I don't know, but they drove away all the people who came for the interview. I suspect Tao Haoran got it." "

    Tao Haoran said not long ago that she would not be able to mix in the industry, and he was the biggest suspect.

    Ye Zhiyou snorted coldly, and followed Jian Hangdao who was driving in the front row: "Check Tao Haoran's recent movements, too."

    "I know Mr. Ye." After Jian Hang finished speaking, he asked, "Mr. Ye, where are we going now? "

    Ye Zhiyou thought for a while, and asked Shen Xin: "Do you have any other arrangements next?"

    Shen Xin sighed: "The interview was scheduled for this afternoon. As a result, I didn't see anyone, so I can only make another appointment another day. Time is up."

    "Then let's go to the company for a look . We have been renovating these days." Ye Zhiyou suggested.

    "Okay." Shen Xin has been busy with interviews these days, and has never been to the company to see it. It happened to be here today to see how the decoration is going. Ye Zhiyou asked Jian Hang to drive to the company, and after the explanation, he began to criticize Shen Xin: "You are very brave, do you know how dangerous it was just now? If I didn't come, what would they do with you?"

    Shen Xin just now It’s not that she’s not afraid at all, but she’s not someone who just avoids things when she encounters things: “I’ve been leading a group outside in the past few years. I’ve met everybody. The more you are, the more you can’t be afraid. If you see them and run away, then this society will be over!"

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