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    After Shen Xin and Li Shutang left the hospital, they went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and then drove back to Li Shutang's house together.

    When Shen Xin got home, she wanted to start stewing the soup. Li Shutang rushed to change her clothes and took a shower. When she came down, the aunt made dinner.

    "Come just right, let's have dinner first." Li Shutang greeted Shen Xin to sit down, "Ye Zhiyou is also awake now, and you have an appetite."

    Shen Xin is indeed in a better mood now than when she came in the morning, so she sat down and ate. After I started something, I asked my aunt to teach myself to make a soup. Auntie heard that Ye Zhiyou had a car accident, so she wanted to cook some bone soup to make up for him. Because Shen Xin wanted to do it herself, she wrote down the steps of stewing the soup for her and posted it on the refrigerator.

    After finishing the meal, Shen Xin plunged into the kitchen and started to make soup for Ye Zhiyou. She was focused and didn't know when it was outside. She just heard Xie Kaihuai's voice suddenly, and then went out to take a look.

    Xie Kaihuai moved out from Li Shutang during the New Year, and came to see Shen Xin tonight. Hearing that Li Shutang said that Shen Xin had been making soup for Ye Zhiyou all night in the kitchen, Xie Kaihuai couldn't help but feel sour: "I didn't expect you to be with Ye Zhiyou."

    He still wanted to damage Ye. I know a few words, but thinking that the other person is still in the hospital, I didn’t say any more: "How is the other person?"

    Shen Xin said, "I woke up in the afternoon, and there is no major problem."

    "Oh, the driver who caused the accident caught Live?"

    "I don't know this yet. When we left the hospital in the afternoon, the police were questioning." Shen Xin said a few words to him, and then returned to the kitchen to worry about her soup. Li Shutang sat on the sofa and looked at Xie Kaihuai: "What did you come here for? You are about to take the college entrance examination. Why don't you go back to review?"

    Xie Kaihuai said: "Ye Zhiyou also tutored my homework, I listened. Saying he had a car accident, come and see it?"

    Li Shutang smiled: "You ran to my house to see?"

    "..." Xie Kaihuai was blocked and speechless, "Goodbye, I'm going home."

    He returned. I don't want to see it, it made him angry.

    Shen Xin didn't know when he left. She turned the heat to a low temperature before going to bed and just simmered the soup for the whole night. At six o'clock the next morning, she got up again to look at her soup. The soup simmered just right and had a strong fragrance. Shen Xin took a small bowl and tasted it first before finding a thermos and pouring it into it.

    Li Shutang was asleep right now, and didn't hear her jingling downstairs. Shen Xin pretended to be hot and casually ate some breakfast, and then set off to see Ye Zhiyou. She drove Li Shutang's car specially today. When she arrived at the hospital very early, Ye Zhiyou had just woke up. Seeing Shen Xin coming in from outside the ward, Ye Zhiyou was stunned for a moment: "You came so early?"

    "Yeah." Shen Xin was sitting beside him, seeing that his expression was much better than yesterday, "You How are you feeling today?"

    Ye Zhiyou said: "It's good, the doctor said my condition is stable."

    "Is there any pain?"

    "Fortunately, there are medicines."

    Shen Xin nodded and took out the thermos: "I made the soup for you. Would you like to drink it now?"

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