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    Ye Zhiyou really took a deep heart, and bought a large circle of clothes, bags and shoes in Starlight Department Store, but the skin care and beauty makeup did not fall.

    Several shopping guides followed them with a lot of bags and sent them back to the car all the way.

    ――At this point, Ye Zhiyou has completely forgotten that he first came to Starlight Department Store to see the progress of the renovation at the nearby company.

    The shopping guides watched Ye Zhiyou’s car drive away before turning and leaving. Jian Hang was carrying Shen Xin, Ye Zhiyou, and the trunk was full of goods, and asked Ye Zhiyou: "Mr. Ye, now Where are you going?"

    Ye Zhiyou said: "Send Shen Xin home first."

    "Okay, should I go to the north gate of Lize Park?"

    Ye Zhiyou looked sideways at Shen Xin, and said consciously: " When you arrive at Lize Park, I will show you the way."

    "Okay." Jian Hang thought, it's not easy. Mr. Ye can finally enter the room.

    Under Shen Xin's guidance, Jian Hang successfully drove the car into the villa area where Shen's house was located, and drove directly outside Shen Xin's house.

    "There are too many things, let me help you carry them in." Ye Zhiyou took out the things in the trunk very actively.

    Because there were so many things, Shen Xin really couldn't finish mentioning them at once, so she smiled at him and said, "Thank you."

    Her father and her brother should not be at home at this time, so the problem is not big.

    Using a small calculation, Shen Xin went to the door with Ye Zhiyou carrying a large bag and a small bag. As soon as he reached the door, the door opened from the inside. Standing inside Shen Wang wearing a loose sweater, his eyes swept away from Ye Zhiyou coldly, and finally landed on the shopping bags they were carrying: "What are you doing here?"

    He heard Shen Xin clearly. I went out for an interview today, and waited for her to come back at home specially. As a result, she looked like she had just returned from a date.

    Shen Xin never expected that her brother would be at home, and was stunned for a while. Fortunately, Ye Zhiyou has always had a thick-skinned face. At this time, he still said to Shen Wang without changing his face: "I just got engaged to Shen Xin. These are me. The engagement gift for her."

    Shen Wang: "..."

    Shen Xin: "..." When

    Ye Zhiyou said this, not only did the two brothers and sisters of the Shen family fall into a bewildered silence, they even stood by the car. Jian Hang was sweating for Ye Zhiyou.

    "Engaged?" Shen Wang almost sneered and spit out these three words, "Who agrees to your engagement?"

    Ye Zhiyou confidently said, "Isn't it only necessary for me and Shen Xin to agree to the engagement?"

    Shen Xin: "..."

    She really wanted to help her forehead.

    Shen Wang's sharp gaze fell on Shen Xin: "Are you agreeing? Engaged with him?" When

    she said the word "he", Shen Xin heard Shen Wang full of disgust.

    If she said at this time that she actually just wanted to fall in love first, Ye Zhiyou would definitely be killed on the spot by her brother, and Shen Xin had to smile and said, "This, things are a bit complicated. I'll go in and talk to you slowly, okay? "

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