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    Ye Zhiyou went out to travel, not all to help Shen Xin.

    His dad didn't know what was wrong recently, and it was the first time that he chased him so tightly. He was thinking about going abroad and leaving a buffer time. After returning, his father's attitude might have changed.

    After he left the travel agency, Shen Xin still stayed in the company to prepare for the next job. Because she changed the docking person, she spent a lot of time explaining to the participants one by one that she also needed to be more familiar with the itinerary.

    Shen Xin worked overtime until dark before going home. When he got home, his whole head was dizzy. He just wanted to take a shower quickly, and then... continue to work. :)

    When changing clothes in the bathroom, she realized that her left leg was quite green.

    This position was bruised at Ambience Jewelry today. The scene was so chaotic that she couldn't check after she hit her leg... I don't know this, but I was shocked at first glance.

    She poked her finger lightly, and the pain was not particularly painful, or it looked scary, and there were many small blood spots in the black green.

    Shen Xin sighed and left it alone. After taking a shower, she found a bottle of medicinal liquor in the living room and wiped it out.

    Just halfway through, Li Shutang came back.

    Li Shutang is Shen Xin's university classmate and the owner of this villa. As a native of H City, Bai Fumei, after learning that Shen Xin had come to work in H City, she took her to live in her own home without saying anything, and did not charge her rent.

    Seeing the injury on Shen Xin's leg, Li Shutang suddenly yelled, "Shen Xin, what's wrong with your leg! How come it's like this!"

    Her voice was too penetrating, and Shen Xin subconsciously covered her ears. Explain to her: "It's okay, I just accidentally bumped it. It looks scary, but it doesn't hurt much."

    "Is it okay to call it this way?! Tell me how you accidentally bumped it into this way?"

    Shen Xin helplessly, 15 and 10 told her what happened today. After Li Shutang heard it, he started to make trouble again: "Let me go, you had a thrilling day, and even the police were alarmed! Why didn't you give me this? Calling?"

    "...It's not that serious."

    "Isn't it serious?" Li Shutang was furious. "That Zhou Peipei really bit you back. Fortunately, you are witty and asked her specifically on WeChat."

    Shen I thought to myself: "Fortunately, I have a fast hand. The speed of the screenshot is faster than the speed of her withdrawal."

    Li Shutang curled his lips and sat down beside Shen Xin: "Being a little manager, she really thought Who am I, dare you threaten the company to fire you? Oh, let's quit, I will support you after a big deal!"

    Shen Xin: "..."

    If Li Shutang hadn't had a boyfriend who had been in a stable relationship for many years, she would have doubted. Her friendship with herself has deteriorated.

    "Do you want to go to the hospital for your leg? I'll drive you there."

    "No, I'll have to work later."

    "Still working? I really want to send you a pennant. Here, just hang it. There." Li Shutang said and gestured towards the empty wall. "You will be able to see when others come to our house in the future."

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