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    At this meeting, Shen Xin was a little nervous at first, but now that he knew that the person he was going to meet was President Yu of the Yu family, his mood became even more disturbed.

    "Relax, didn't you talk well when you told me?" Ye Zhiyou noticed her emotions and calmed her out. Shen Xin pursed her lips, looked at him and said, "But you are not President Yu."

    "..." Ye Zhiyou stopped, took a look at Shen Xin, turned around and walked outside, "I suddenly don't want to Introduce you to each other."

    Shen Xin: "..."

    She grabbed Ye Zhiyou's arm, and said with a pleased smile at him: "How can you be kind to Mr. Yu."

    Ye Zhiyou raised his eyebrows lightly: "Continue."

    "..." Shen Xin really wanted to complain about him, but thinking of the plan he had made with painstaking effort, he still endured the humiliation and said, "Mr. Yu is not as good-looking as you."

    "Have you seen him?"

    "No, but it doesn't matter. , Because you look the best in my heart."

    Ye Zhiyou looked at her for a while, and slightly twitched his lips: "You are more powerful than Jianhang. But I like it."

    He finished speaking and turned around. Turn around and walk into the restaurant.

    Yu Yi was sitting next to the window, with a man in a suit next to him. Shen Xin was probably his assistant or something. Seeing Ye Zhiyou walking with her, Yu Yi stood up and said hello to Ye Zhiyou: "Long time no see."

    "Long time no see." Ye Zhiyou shook hands with him very courteously, then slightly sideways. Kai introduced Shen Xin to her, "This is Shen Xin, Manager Shen of Jiyue Travel Agency."

    This is the first time that Shen Xin came out to pick it up under the name of "Manager Shen", and suddenly felt that the courage on his shoulders was heavy! She followed the look of Ye Zhiyou and said hello to Yu Yi: "Hello, Mr. Yu, I am Shen Xin, I am very glad to meet you."

    She took the opportunity to look at Yu Yi twice. This name has long since been thunderous. Mr. Yu is so handsome.

    "Mr. Yu is already married, don't be so close to others, do you know if you are careful to avoid suspicion?" Ye Zhiyou said lukewarmly next to him.

    Shen Xin immediately let go of her hand, and smiled and took a step back.

    Looking at the two of them, Yu Yi hooked the corners of her mouth, "Sit down and talk."

    A waiter came over and asked Shen Xin and Ye Zhiyou what they need to drink. It increased the workload for others, so I asked for a glass of white water very intimately.

    Ye Zhiyou also asked for a glass of white water.

    "Mr. Shen's planning plan, Mr. Ye, has been sent to me before, and I am very interested in this project." Because there is only one hour, Yu Yi did not say much to them, and went straight to the topic. When Shen Xin heard him say that he was interested in his own planning, he immediately beamed: "That's great. If you can cooperate with Mr. Yu, this project will surely progress more smoothly."

    Yu Yi said, "One person eats this model ." , I actually thought about it before, and we are coincident. Jiyue Travel Agency is the benchmark of the tourism industry. If one person’s food is incorporated on the basis of travel, it will also be beneficial to the promotion of this model. But there are some details, I still need Discuss with you."

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