16 From Nicoletta to Olivia

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Dear delightful Ollie,

I feel so spoiled by you! Two whole letters! It was a nice surprise; it gave me something to do. Or rather, it gave me a reason to avoid doing other things. I'm talking about you, my growing list of chores.

Don't tell Arthur I said that.

Also, do you really think I know everything? I don't think that's true. You've talked about various things before, and I would just nod and give you a business smile. You know more than you might think, Liv.

To answer your questions for fun, though: fruit flies don't live longer than a month, the average person can hold their breath for 1 minute (I had to look that one up), and the pregnancy of our childhood dog was about nine weeks, so I assume that's also an average.

By the way, what do you mean with your remark saying I should learn how to shut up? I know very well when to speak and when not. For example, I know I shouldn't go on for too long on this topic.

Moving on.

(See how I did that? Like a real grown-up?)

I would love to have a job. I think I'd really enjoy being more independent. It would be scary in the beginning, but after a while I'm sure I'd get used to it. Did you need time to adjust and get used to it? If so, how long did it take?

Too bad you couldn't play the piano. You said you didn't go see who was playing when you wanted to? Great mistake. It could have been a very handsome man. Has that crossed your mind yet?

Imagine: you walk in, he stops and turns around. You lock eyes. He smiles. You smile. Before you know it, you're off on your honeymoon.

Your actions have consequences, Liv. You might have just missed your prince charming.

I do agree with you, you shouldn't be playing in the middle of the night. At least not if you'd like to keep your job.

On another note, I'm so happy to hear the pasta dish made it onto the menu! I really liked it, so I hope other people will too.

Our chef made your many-eggs-cake, and I enjoyed it. It was very moist, which is probably because of all the eggs. Even when cutting the cake, I was a little disturbed by how moist it looked. The consistency wasn't pudding-like, but it was getting dangerously close. It turned out to be fine.

I have to apologize to you, though. I did an unbelievably bad thing. I shouldn't have done it. From the bottom of my heart: I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from the horror that was the cheese-chicken-soup.

I just thought it sounded interesting, and like one of those combinations that you don't think will work, but totally would. Similarly to apple and peanut butter. I understand now that this wasn't one of those plot twist combinations.

To be honest, I hadn't tried it myself. I don't think I want to anymore, either.

Also, you better get paid for those extra hours you worked. If not, sue him. I'll be at your side. Apparently, I have something to make up for now, so... You have me on your side :)

Good to hear the move is still a success.

When you wrote about the creepy guy, I got chills. And he has a scar? He's like the villain in every story I've ever read.

I'm glad he finally left as well. You're okay, right? I can't imagine how he must've been to encounter in real life. Did he have some sort of weird aura around him? I'm sure he did.

Why would you just stand outside someone's door? Especially if you don't know that person. It's just so weird. Just reading and writing about it is giving me goosebumps.

I don't quite know how to transition from that, so I'll just start something new like nothing happened. Please ignore the jump.

I do have something exciting coming up: me and Arthur will be visiting the Laurier family soon! His parents will join us later as well. That in itself isn't really exciting, we've known them for years. However, as you know, their mansion is close to the inn. If it's a good time, maybe we could drop by?

If he doesn't want to, I'll just go on my own. Like the independent woman I'm not (yet).

So far, a third letter hasn't arrived. Therefore, I will assume no more will come. Didn't that sound fancy? Father is forcing me to learn how to speak 'properly' for important occasions. It's boring, but I'm afraid I picked up a thing or two anyway.

Anyway, I'll answer a third letter separately if it comes later. Talk to you later!



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