Chapter 3: New Partner

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A group of other space rangers in training. A peg-leg space ranger walks in.

P.A.: Commander Nebula, report to training deck.

Commander Nebula: Yeah, yeah. Way ahead of you. (turns behind him, and grabs the mic and talks to one of the Space Rangers.) Cadet Flarn, watch your tail, son!


A robot grabs his tail and Flarn yells unintelligible dialect as he gets slammed to the wall. Flarn gets splatted with a gravity-defying space goo gun on the ceiling and the goo makes Flarn levitate up through a hole in the ceiling. The gun later shoots a flying space ranger while another space ranger flies by as Commander Nebula talks over the intercom.

Commander Nebula (ver the intercom): You people try that kind of hotdogging in the field, and you're space dust!

Buzz slides down a tube and lands in front of the commander and salutes. As the commander turns away from the glass window, a ranger flies into the window screaming and slides down after crashing.

Buzz: (salutes) Commander Nebula.

Commander Nebula: (turns back to Buzz) Ah, Lightyear! I've got something I want you to see. (voice over the intercom): Alright! We're cranking it up to Level Nine, people!

Space Ranger: Bring it on.

More goo guns are lined up startling two female rangers.

Space Ranger: Huh?!

More robots appearing and ramps popping out of the wall with three rangers gasping in fear.

Buzz: Level 9? Commander, they're only rookies. Come on. I train on Level 9.

Commander Nebula: I know.

Giant bubble like balls roll from the ramps and a male ranger takes flight with his jetpack to escape one. A female ranger also takes flight with her jetpack and escapes the rolling ball as it almost traps her. One the two rangers smiles until they notice red electric nets coming at them, trapping them and two other flying rangers. Four rangers stand together shooting when suddenly a trap door opens from under them and they scream as they fall in, with one jumping out and escaping the hole. The other three rangers attempt to escape as well, but they end up getting shot and trapped by the green lasers and float up through the ceiling. A male ranger tries to fly away from a rolling ball, but gets trapped in it and screams as it traps him. A female ranger runs away as fast as she can from a rolling ball, only to get trapped in it as it floats up with her in it. Then the balls carrying her and two other rangers who were captured offscreen float through the ceiling like bubbles. Then three rangers fly into a wall that comes out of the floor. From behind, the remaining space ranger gets snagged by a robot.

Space Ranger: Hey!

She shoots the robot, then looks around. She's the only space ranger in the room.

Space Ranger Hmm.

The commander looks impressed, then starts talking into the microphone once again.

Commander Nebula: Level... 10.

Buzz looks horrified, and the space ranger sees a giant robot rise from the floor.

Space Ranger: Huh? Oh. (sees the robot behind her) Oh. Oh... (she turns to see another robot rising from the floor) Oh, okay.

She's about to fire, but looks behind her to see a robot head locking onto her. Then both robots' chests open, revealing rapid-fire machine guns. They shoot the space ranger with piles of blue goo.

Buzz: Oh! Well, I guess we couldn't expect a rookie to...

Commander Nebula: (cuts Buzz off) Uh! It ain't over.

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