Chapter 9: Testing the Zurgatronic Megaray & The Chase in Outer Space

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At the top  of the Zurg Tower, a Grub was typing away on the new weapon.

Grub (while typing): Zurgatronic Megaray online, Evil Emperor Zurg.

Zurg's hand suddenly touches his shoulder.

Zurg: You're sure this time, (smiles) yes?

Grub: (nervously laughs) Reasonably.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Let's test it on something before we hit Star Command. We need a target that won't, um... (wiggles his fingers around) "shoot back".

Brain Pod #29: May I suggest Rhizome, my evil emperor?

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Oh, the planet of the vegetarians, yes! Delicious suggestion, uh, Number... um, (looks at Brain Pod 29's I.D.) Twenty-Nine [29]. How long have you been with the evil organization?

Brain Pod #29: Ooh, let's see. Uh, in total? Or just since I've been a brain in a jar?

Zurg: Brain in a jar.

Brain Pod #29: Four years, next week. (chuckles)

Zurg: Fascinating! Ha ha. (walks out of the shot to the left) Okay, then...

Brain Pod #29 (walking with Zurg): Now that you mention it, I am a bit overdue for a cost-of-living raise. (chuckles) You know, when I gave up my body, certain promises were made.

ZURG then grabs Brain Pod 29 by the neck.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist" (angry): Now see here, he was just being polite! Doesn't really care, all right?

BRAIN POD #29 (High-pitched): All right.

Zurg (angry): (his eyes light up) Now, unless anyone else wants to tell me his or her life story...

Two Grubs were looking at Zurg.

Zurg (angry): ...can we shoot the big gun?

Two Grubs: (shake their heads up and down twice) Mmm-Mmm!

They proceed to type in the coordinates.

Grub: Target acquired: Rhizome. (pushes a lever to power up the megaray)

The Zurgatronic Megaray fires a purple lightning bolt from the now-poisoned Uni-Mind. A Brain Pod, and two Grubs putting on sunglasses, followed by another Brain Pod taking a picture of the lightning bolt with a camera. After which, over at Rhizome, two Rhizomians were sitting at a table.

Rhizomian Man (holding a plate of salad): Um, more salad?

Rhizomian Woman: Oh, I couldn't. Well, I'm off to meditate for galactic peace.

The two then look up at the red light in the sky.

Rhizomian Man (holding a plate of salad): Oh, isn't that lovely?

A scream from the evil Uni-Mind is heard as everything flashes red. And the Rhizomians get hit with the ray. At the Zurg Tower, they watched the result.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": How do you feel?

Zurg (looking at a computer screen): I can feel it! I control every mind on the planet!

Back on Rhizome, the two Rhizomians come out from under the table with red glowing eyes.

Rhizomian Man (Zurg's voice): (evilly laughs) It worked.

Both Rhizomians (Zurg's voice): Evil rules!

At the Zurg Tower.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Oh, this is fun! Let's hit something else!

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