Chapter 15: Restoring the Uni-Mind/Bad Guy's Defeat

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The Zurgatronic Megaray begin to short-circuit from the crash landing of the Alpha-1.

Brain Pod #29: Chain reaction!

The Grubs were running around and screaming in a panic.

Brain Pod #29: She's gonna blow!

Warp meanwhile was handcuffed to a pole.

Warp: Get back here! Hey, release me! Hey! I'm Zurg's number-one agent!

Booster and XR suddenly appear from behind him.

Booster: Now there's something I wouldn't go boasting about.

Booster uncuffs Warp and picks him and XR up with both hands.

Warp (in Booster's arm): What, you're gonna jump? Are you crazy?

XR (in Booster's other arm): Actually, buddy boy, we're on the janitorial staff. You're looking at a couple of risk-takers.

Booster: It's true. (starts running for the edge of the roof)

Warp (in Booster's arm): No!

As soon as Booster jumps off the roof, an explosion occurs, then XR opens a parachute from inside of his chest.

Booster (while floating down): Don't be such a fraidy-cat. Like we'd really just jump.

Meanwhile Mira was lifting Buzz as she hovers over the evil Uni-Mind.

Mira (while hovering and lifting Buzz): Mm-kay, Buzz, what are we going to actually do?

Buzz: The LGM mind link was activated by a simple touch.

Mira flies him closer to the Uni-Mind as he sticks his hand out.

Buzz: Maybe. Just maybe.

Buzz's hand touches the Uni-Mind, and a white light glows around it and expands.

Mira (while hovering and lifting Buzz; amazed): You're doing it!

Buzz: The power of good is a strong thing, Mira.

Suddenly, the white light starts shrinking, and a scream from the evil Uni-Mind is heard as Buzz gets electrocuted and screams in pain. Mira floats Buzz a few inches away.

Mira (while hovering and lifting Buzz): But not strong enough.

Buzz: Blast! Thanks to Zurg, the Uni-Mind is rotten to the core.

Just then Dr. Trononic emerges in a giant mech with the corrupt Uni-Mind as its power source.

Buzz: Dr. Trononic!

Dr. Trononic (inside mech; evil laugh): Yes! You see I needed some time to make this in secret. With Zurg gone and the Uni-Mind mine, there's no one in the whole universe that can stop me now.

Echo: Want to bet on that!

A silhouette flies in with multiple laser shots at the mech. The silhouette lands in front of Buzz and Mira, wearing a Space Ranger Suit.

Buzz: Echo!

Echo: You sit this one out, Lightyear. I got a score to settle with him.

(7:03 - 8:43)

Echo watched as his foe blasted into space as did the others.

Buzz: Good to have you back.

Echo: I only came to put a stop to them. I'm not going back to Star Command.

Before he took off, he turned his head back slightly.

Echo: But if you ever need help. Give me a call.

He then took off to places unknown. While hovering and lifting Buzz, Mira suddenly gets an idea.

Mira: Then let's get you to the core. (flies closer to the Uni-Mind)

Buzz: You're gonna ghost me?

Mira uses her ghosting powers on Buzz and pushes him into the Uni-Mind. Another scream from the Uni-Mind is heard as Mira gets electrocuted after successfully getting Buzz into the core of the Uni-Mind.

Mira (while hovering): Aah! Buzz!

The Uni-Mind suddenly glows white, then turns back into its original orange state. A green ring forms around it, and the ring ignites a powerful shockwave across Planet Z. 

Buzz: To infinity, AND BEYOND!

The other planets Zurg possessed were restored. First was Rhizome, then Bathyos where two Bathyosians were about to fire blasters at each other, but soon restored, they suddenly drop their weapons. Then finally, Star Command. Inside the station, the Space Rangers and LGMs' eyes revert back to normal. When Commander Nebula's eyes revert back to normal, he smiles and turns to the window.

Commander Nebula: Ah, Lightyear!

Meanwhile in Zurg's ship in the middle of orbit, Zurg noticed his plan failed.

Brain Pod "New Lead Scientist": No! Your plan! YOUR GALAXY!

Grub (scared): Uni-Mind wave impact in three seconds!


The shockwave hits Zurg's ship, likely blowing it up instead of turning Zurg and the two remaining Grubs good. Mira floated at the sight of the Uni-Mind. Booster and XR were scared as they look at Mira. Mira charges for the Uni-Mind.

Mira (while flying): I'M GOING IN! (ghosts herself into the Uni-Mind to search for Buzz)

Warp (not caring about Mira): She's a goner.

Mira ghosts out of the Uni-Mind carrying Buzz. XR and Booster smile and Booster hugs XR so tightly his head pops off.

Buzz: Thanks for the lift, Mira.

Mira (while hovering and lifting Buzz): Ah, anytime, sir.

As Mira flies Buzz out. Moments later, a LGM rides his hovercraft to the Uni-Mind, where another LGM riding a hovercraft joins him. One LGM places a suction cup from his hovercraft onto the Uni-Mind, then on the ground, three LGMs wave their scanners as Buzz walks up to them.

Buzz: I hope that Uni-Mind still works for you guys.

The LGM with the suction cup on his hovercraft pops it off, and gives a thumbs-up. Then the Uni-Mind's green ring forms around the Uni-Mind.

All Three LGMs: We are one.

LGM on the Right: Our mind link has been restored.

The LGM on the left starts getting a determined look on his face, and his antenna starts wiggling.

LGM in the Middle: All is as it was.

LGM on the Left: (raises his fist in the air and looks up) To infinity, (jumps up and starts to fly up with the zero gravity Planet Z has) AND BEYOND!

Suddenly, the LGM in the middle notices this and immediately grabs the flying LGM's foot and pulls him back down. Two Space Rangers carrying Warp away after arresting him along with Pokey, who tried to sneak away during the battle.

Mira: I can't believe we captured Agent Z and Pokey.

Booster: I can't believe he turned out to be Buzz's dead partner who wasn't really dead. And the fact that Pokey was a traitor, who got his team killed for greedy needs.

Mira: Yeah, that... too. Uh-huh.

All LGMs: Amazing!

XR: Easy, fellas. I know I've exceeded all performance expectations.

LGM 1: It's not that, XR.

LGM 2: You're almost human.

LGM in the Background: So many character flaws!

XR: Okay. You know what? Let's just say "amazing" and leave it at that!

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