Chapter 2: The Lost Ones Are There

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As Warp talks, Buzz lands and puts down the LGMs he was carrying.

Warp Darkmatter: ...Have any reason you were looking to shake hands with a beast from 20,000 craters?

The LGMs walk to the edge of the cliff, and as Buzz and Warp follow them, the LGMs point to the monster mutant as Buzz and Warp look down.

LGMs: The lost ones are there!

Warp Darkmatter: Oh, well, then I'd say they're the dead ones now. (the monster mutant looks up to them) Let's get out of here.

Buzz looks depressed, as if he would have to agree to give up, but then gets another idea.

Buzz: Ha! I'm going in! (turns on his jetpack) Follow my lead! (jumps off the edge of the cliff and flies down)

Warp Darkmatter: (turns on his jetpack, jumps off the edge of the cliff, and flies next to Buzz) I hope you have a plan!

Buzz (while flying): No more so than usual.

Buzz presses the yellow square button on the left side of his spacesuit and two grappling cables fly out of the top of his jetpack's thrusts. He tangles the crater vipers with them, and Warp does the same.

Warp Darkmatter (while hovering): Now what?

Buzz (while hovering): Full throttle! (presses the blue square button on his spacesuit, and starts to fly at twice the speed of his jetpack) Hit it!

Buzz and Warp fly up, and the monster watches them fly up as his fingers are getting raised up as well. The LGMs walk away from the edge in another shot, then in the next shot, the crater vipers are choking, but Buzz and Warp are struggling to fly further up. The monster mutant starts growling, and rocks begin to crumble underneath.

Buzz (while struggling to fly up): The lost ones aren't in it!

The monster mutant gets lifted off the ground a bit to reveal part of a hideout,

Buzz: They're under it! Not... enough... power! Alright, new plan!

Buzz and Warp aim their wrists at the bottom of the flat edge and fire their lasers at it.

LGM: (starts to wobble) Whoa!

Another LGM grabs his arm and gets him back up. The monster mutant sees the giant falling rock, and Buzz and Warp detach their cables and fly through an open hole of the rock, which acts as a tunnel for them to fly through. The monster gets crushed by the debris and Buzz and Warp flying out of a cloud.

Warp Darkmatter (while hovering): That was your plan?

Buzz (while hovering): Most of it. Where are the LGMs?

Warp Darkmatter (while hovering): (Points down) Take a guess.

Buzz and Warp hover down and land behind where the LGMs are standing.

LGMs (while pointing): Zurg.

Buzz: I knew it!

The battle revealed Zurg's Subterranean Outpost. The top of the outpost has Zurg's logo on top.


Inside of Zurg's outpost, the three missing LGMs in a sensory deprivation tank filled with water. 

Three missing LGMs (in pain): Ow! Oh!

They all yell in pain during the process of torture. Brain Pod #29 suddenly gasps as he hears the doors open, and the gas settles revealing Brain Pod #13 rolling into the room. Brain Pod #29 sighs with relief.

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