Chapter 7: "Space Ranger Business"

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 Booster continues mopping the floor.

Woman on P.A.: All rangers to Mission Briefing Room. All rangers to Mission Briefing Room.

Just then, a couple of Space Rangers run past Booster and enter the Boarding Room.

Booster: Hey, fellas. Something going on?

Male Space Ranger: Sorry, can't talk.

Female Space Ranger: Top secret.

Booster: (pops his head out the entrance doors) Oh, so, um, you guys need me to empty out the wastebaskets or something?

Buzz: (pats Booster's back) Sorry, Booster. This is Space Ranger Business.

Buzz enters the room as the sliding doors close behind him.

Booster (sad): Yeah. "Space Ranger Business". (sadly sighs and continues mopping)

Inside the Mission Briefing Room, with all the Space Rangers around a long table, with a pink hologram of Planet Z. Commander Nebula was at the end of the table, in front of the windows.

Commander Nebula: I don't know what Zurg's planning on doing with the Uni-Mind, but I plan on beating him to the punch.

Buzz: We're planning a full-scale assault on Planet Z.

XR: Whoa! Full-scale?

The Space Rangers were surprised at whoever just spoke, over at the sliding doors, the LGMs with XR rebuilt walked in, albeit now fully talking instead of copying someone else's phrases.

XR: Buzz, listen to your trusty partner when I say, maybe we overlooked a little thing I like to call "negotiation".

XR scooters over to Buzz at the other end of the table.

Buzz: XR?

As XR walks over to Buzz, his finger sticking up from behind the rest of the crew in their seats.

XR: Now follow me on this, Buzz. Two simple words: "Timeshare". (now standing in place) How many of you love it? All right. Monday through Wednesday, admittedly, the Galaxy belongs to Zurg. But, Thursday through Saturdays, it's ours! We alternate Sundays. What do you think?

Commander Nebula walks up to the LGMs in anger.

Commander Nebula: Sweet mother of Venus! What did you do to him?

LGM #2: We... uh, fixed him.

LGM #3 (nervous): Yeah. I think.

We cut to outside the boarding room.


The sliding doors open and the LGMs walk out the door while carrying XR over their heads.

XR (while being carried): What did I say? Come on! You know the timeshare is solid, and you're jealous.

The LGMs pass by Booster down the hall.

Booster (while mopping): What are you guys going with the robot?

XR (while being carried): Please. "Experimental Ranger".

LGM #3 (hatching an idea): Uh, we were looking for you, Booster!

LGM #1: Yeah. We thought you could use some help.

The LGMs turn around and toss XR into Booster's arms.

LGM #1: Here! You'll love him.

XR: I am lovable.

Inside the Boarding Room, Commander Nebula points his baton to areas of Planet Z, instructing the Space Rangers his plan.

Commander Nebula: Delta Squadron will occupy Zurg's fleet, while Gamma Squadron attacks Planet Z itself. (beat) This is no cakewalk. This is a high-risk operation.

Mira Nova: Excuse me, Commander. (walks up to the hologram) Sorry to interrupt, but I've been studying Zurg's defense matrix. (points to one area of the hologram) I think a small one-man ship...

Buzz steps up, finishing Mira's sentence.

Buzz: ...Could slip past the defenses unnoticed.

Mira Nova: Exactly! A single Space Ranger could undermine Zurg's evil operation from within.

Buzz: And with the new Alpha-1 prototype, I could slip in and...

Mira Nova (angry): Wait a minute, it was my idea. I should go!

Buzz: Sorry, but you don't have the field experience to be taking on such a dicey assignment, princess.

Mira Nova (angry): "Princess"? I am a Space Ranger!

Commander Nebula intervenes and shakes Buzz and Mira to get them to stop arguing.

Commander Nebula (angry): You know what? You two really should be partners. (suddenly shouting) 'CAUSE YOU'RE BOTH PIGHEADED SHOWOFFS!

Buzz and Mira: But Commander!

Commander Nebula (angry): ZIP IT! The Alpha-1 is still an experimental spacecraft. NOBODY'S TAKING IT! We're doing this my way. Star Command will launch a full-scale assault on Planet Z at oh-eight-hundred [0800] hours!

In the Star Command cafeteria, Booster uses XR as a floor polisher.

XR (while being pushed back and forth by Booster): How long do we have to do this?

Booster (while pushing and pulling XR's arms): The cafeteria is a high-traffic area. This could take a while.

Booster releases XR's hands and XR transforms his polishing feet back into his old feet.

XR: Hey! Here's an idea. We ditch work and do something fun.

Booster: No way! I would never shirk my duty. Hmph! Buzz would be very disappointed.

XR: (turns his head back to Booster) Buzz? As in, "Buzz Lightyear"?

Booster: As if there's any other Buzz.

XR: You know, I used to be Buzz Lightyear's partner.

Booster (amazed): Get out!

XR: That's exactly what Commander Nebula said. Now look at me. (gets an idea and gasps) Hey, Booster. How would you like a V.I.P. tour of Buzz Lightyear's Star Cruiser?

Booster (jumping for joy): That would be the coolest thing ever!

Booster's jumping causes the room to shake, and apparently, the camera too.

XR (while shaking from the vibrations): Whoa, Slim! Whoa!

XR: (his eyes realign after the trembling stops) I don't know about that, but it beats working. Follow me!

At the Command Launch Bay, the twov snuck into Buzz's Star Cruiser.

Booster: Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear to Mission Control.

Booster was in the driver's seat.

Booster: Ready to launch! To infinity... and-- (turns to XR in the passenger's seat with a magazine over his helmet) Come on, XR. Say it with me.

XR: (wakes up) What? Oh yeah.

Booster (hAPPILY) AND XR (bORED): To infinity...

XR: ...and whatever.

Booster: And beyond!

XR: "Beyond", yeah, right.

Booster's giggles.

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