Chapter 13: Revealed

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Buzz wakes up on the top of Zurg Tower, with Warp Darkmatter and two Hornets standing in front of him.

Warp: Surprised?

Buzz: You're alive? Or am I dead?

Warp: No, you're not dead. (turns his head) Not yet anyway.

Buzz: But how?

Warp: The exploding moon. Convincing, wasn't it? Yeah, Zurg's fireworks are really top-shelf.

Buzz: But, Warp...

Warp: (aims his robot arm at Buzz) Ah. "Agent Z", please.

Buzz: Oh, of course! Amnesia!

Warp: No.

Buzz: Evil clone.

Warp: No.

Buzz: Android replica.

Warp: No!

Buzz runs out of ideas for what happened to Warp during the explosion.

Buzz (running out of options): Okay, okay, it's so obvious! Zurg's mind-control ray! He got to you first.

Warp: Actually, I went to him. Evil is just so much more profitable than good. And more fun. What do you think?

Buzz: I don't believe it. The Warp Darkmatter I trained side-by-side with would not work for the most evil force in the universe!

Warp: Look, Lightyear, I've been on Zurg's payroll ever since the Academy. Once I got the LGMs to spill the secret of the Uni-Mind, the Big Z brought me on full-time. My name's Darkmatter. Who's surprised here?

Buzz: One of Star Command's finest. The perfect spy. And I gave you a really nice eulogy.

Zurg rises from behind Buzz, standing on a rocket-powered throne.

Zurg: "He was not only a great ranger, but a great friend.". (evilly laughs as he walks off his throne) Oh, what a hoot! If only you knew!

The lead scientist pushes a button that makes a triangular TV rise from under the floor. On the screen was a reused footage from the funeral.

Buzz (on TV): I... (hangs his head in sadness) miss him very much.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Oh, one more time! (rewinds the scene with the "REWIND" button on the TV remote and presses the "PLAY" button)

Buzz (on TV): I... (hangs his head in sadness) miss him very much.

The lead scientist laughs as he turns off the TV and makes it sink back into the floor.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Miss him now!? (continues laughing)

Buzz (angry; tries to break free from the two Hornets): Stop mocking me! (the Hornets grab him and electrocute him)

Zurg: I'll admit that in the past, you've been a most formidable foe. But since you "lost" your dear partner, you have been off your game.

Buzz: Buzz Lightyear may end today, but what I believe in will live on. Hope, freedom, and justice.

At those three words, Zurg laughs at him, whereas Warp just shakes his head in disapproval.

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Oh, that's rich! Oh, please, (turns to his Grubs) please tell me you got that.

Three Grubs, one recording with a camera, one holding a clapperboard, and one working a camera crane.

Grub on the camera crane: (gives a thumbs-up) Got it!

Brain Pod "Lead Scientist": Excellent! Add it to my collection. (turns back to Buzz) Besides, Mr. Melodrama, I'm not going to kill you. No. No, I have a much more delicious idea. I'm going to take the galaxy's greatest hero, and turn him... into... yours truly. Wish I could've done it to Primus, but what happened to him was better. Think of it as payback for what he did back at the Planet Destroyer.

Buzz: Planet Destroyer? (eyes widened upon realization) What a minute... Dr. Trononic.

Dr. Trononic: Correct! For it is I!

Buzz: How? Your body was destroyed. You died inside that dwarf star.

Dr. Trononic: My body maybe, but my mind was able to survive though partly damaged. Zurg found and rescued me as another one of his Brain Pod. A Brain Pod with a higher position as the head of his research division. But my services is done as I made myself this.

He pressed a button as a mechanical body emerges from the floor hatch. The dr's brain was transfer into his new body as he gives off a chilling laugh.

Dr. Trononic: Yes, yes! I am reborn!

Pokey: Which you rightfully deserve.

Another makes an entrance.

Buzz: Pokey Paula. I should've known a low life backstabber like you would be involved.

Pokey: I mainly did it for the winning side. And money of course. 

Buzz: Which was why you betrayed your team and left them for dead.

Pokey: Better to stay alive than risk my life for a stupid cause. Too bad Echo Primus survived, but never coming back so a win win.

Warp: Welcome to the team, partner.

Buzz: This isn't my team. And you're not my partner.

Buzz breaks free to turn on his wrist communicator and starts talking into it.

Buzz (talking into his wrist communicator): Buzz Lightyear mission log, final entry.

Pokey: What's he doing?

Warp: (sighs) Mission log. He's a procedure nut. As if there's anyone left to read his report.

In outer space, Mira was now piloting the Alpha-1.

Mira (angry): Ooh! Sent packing like a bunch of first-year rookies!

XR: Which, technically we are.

The baby monitor sound could be heard as the Alpha-1 radio gets a signal.

Buzz (on the radio): I don't know if anyone will be left untainted by Zurg's evil to receive this last chapter.

Booster: (gasps) Did I sit on another button?

Mira: Shh. It's Buzz.

Buzz (on the radio): As I go to my impending doom...

Booster: Doom!?

Buzz (on the radio): ...I pause to pay tribute to 3 of the best and the brightest to ever come out of Star Command.

XR: (leans closer to the radio) That's me and two others!

Cut back to Buzz talking into his communicator.

Buzz (talking into his wrist communicator): I have taken a one-man stand in darkness and depravity, and... I have failed. (hangs his head in sadness) I was wrong.

Dr. Trononic: Keep rolling. This is priceless.

The Grubs zoom in closer on Buzz.

Buzz (talking into his wrist communicator): Perhaps, if I had taken a new partner, or two, or three.

Back in space, the other Space Rangers were happy that Buzz saw the error of his ways.

Booster: Hot rockets! Did you hear that? He needs us!

Mira: He actually admits he needs us!

Mira turns the Alpha-1 around, flying back to Planet Z.

Booster: We're coming, Buzz!

Back to Buzz, he still was talking into his communicator, just as he's about to finish.

Buzz (talking into his wrist communicator): Buzz Lightyear. Over, and out. (closes his wrist communicator)

The Hornets fly up and lift Buzz to the middle of the Zurgatronic Megaray's direction.

Zurg: (turns to Brain Pod #13) Target Buzz Lightyear.

Brain Pod #13: Okay-doke. You're the evil emperor. (types in a few keys and the Uni-Mind; shouting and waving to a Grub): MEGARAY MEGA-READY!

The Grub salutes and types in the coordinates. Buzz ws about to be blasted by the Zurgatronic Megaray.

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