Chapter 10: Another chase in outer space

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Star Command was in a power outage. The four space rangers are carrying flashlights.

Buzz: XR, report.

XR: Sensors indicate "spooky". In fact, now I'm going to have to go with "very spooky".

Booster: Where is everyone?

The sliding doors to the control room open, and the 4 space rangers split up and search the room for survivors. Buzz heads right, Mira and XR head left, then Booster heads right.

Mira: What happened? I mean, there's no sign of a struggle.

Buzz: (opens his wrist communicator on his space glove) Hmm. My scanner is picking up some...

Suddenly, Buzz hears Zurg's voice and looks at the shadowed figure leaning on a wall.

Shadowed Figure (Zurg's voice): Lightyear! How good of you to join us.

Buzz: Zurg? (aims his flashlight at the shadowed figure)

Shadowed Figure (Zurg's voice): In a manner of speaking.

Buzz turns on the flashlight. The shadowed figure turns out to be Commander Nebula under Zurg's mind control! The four gasp at the horror of Commander Nebula hypnotized.

XR (scared): OHH! That's spooky.

Mira gasp at the horror of the LGMs who were also possessed by Zurg.

LGM in the Middle (Zurg's voice): You see, I used the Uni-Mind to link your fellow rangers...

All LGMS (Zurg's voice): To my evil!

Commander Nebula (Zurg's voice): And that's just the beginning. Soon, the entire Galactic Alliance will be under my control.

Buzz gets creeped out as Zurg's evil laugh is heard.

XR: You know, as a robot, I'm not susceptible to mind control, so this really isn't an issue for me.

Mira: Uh, yeah. It'll be your issue when they rip you apart and sell you for scrap.

XR (horrified): Good point. Anybody got a plan?

Commander Nebula (Zurg's voice): Here's one. (fires a megacannon)

Buzz: Back to the ship, people!

Buzz, Mira, and Booster run for it.

XR: "People"? That does include me, right?

XR lets out a yelp as Buzz yanks him away from an incoming blast. Then they all run down the hallway until they see something that makes them stop running.

Buzz: Aah!

Booster: Uh-oh.

As Commander Nebula, the LGMs, and space rangers have their weapons ready, Mira was about to strike her laser at them, until Buzz lowers her arm.

Buzz: No, Mira! Although currently possessed by the most powerful evil in the universe, they're still our fellow rangers.

Mira: Then how do we get past them?

Booster then smiles evilly.

Booster (getting an idea): Looks like we got us a high traffic area.

Booster grabs XR's hands and whips him, causing his floor polishers to pop out from under his feet. XR looks around, then drops his eyebrows.

XR: Alright, let's wax 'em big guy. Just push me--

XR (while Booster runs as he pushes him faster and faster): Not so fast, not so fast, NOT SO FAST!

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