Jeon Jungkook

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Underworld. Only one word is enough for people to shiver in fear. They have different ideologies about underworld and the God of it. Hades. People's ideologies and the real him are way too different. He's a sweet person until you decide to fuck up by either running away from underworld or try to cheat on your death. Than you better be ready for his wrath.

His face is a pure piece of art. He himself is a piece of art. Sharp doe eyes which are almost emotionless. His nose is like a button; small and cute. His baby fat is long gone as he loves gym that his family thinks he'll marry it at one point. His jaw line can be compared to the sharpest knife to exist. His body is build up. Thin barbie like lips and a small and sexy mole under his bottom lip. Buffed up chest, big biceps, six/ eight packs abs. And let's not go on his heavenly thighs. Whenever you'll look at him, you'll just have one thought,"Is he even real!" And that God is Jeon jungkook.

His family for now, consists of three people excluding him. His brother Kim namjoon. His surname is different because he took it from his husband, Kim seokjin. His brother found love at young age. Hence, when it was the age of marrying, he didn't think twice. But, for a fact he did hit jackpot by having such a beautiful husband. Kim seokjin had small yet doe eyes, a perfect jawline, plump pillowy lips. A world wide handsome indeed. Kim namjoon was nothing less; eyes like a cheetah fast and sharp, deep dimples that can make anyone swoon over him, and thin yet kissable lips. This was about his one brother. About the other-

Min yoongi(lemme tell y'all guys. I really can't think of any reason for his name so it's gonna be it because I want them to have their real names. Hope you don't mind it?). In underworld people run away even at a glimpse of him. He's said to be dangerous and inhuman. He's colder than ice itself and faster than light. His cat like eyes would be observing you every second and you wouldn't even know it. His face is small and his habits like a savage cat.

His brothers have always been a backbone to him. Advising him whenever he looses his calm, helping him in keeping the people in check but also in peace. And his oh, so beautiful brother- in- law, always cooking delicious meals for him, taking care of him like a mother would. Which his mother never did, sadly. But rather he's happy not having her care than later being her toy. He and his brothers hate their parents from the core. Their deeds aren't meant to be forgiven. Not in this lifetime or in any other!

He has passed the years of meeting his mate but it seems like his mate is hiding from him. But, he's also persistent. He'll find him/ her someday. He promises himself that.

He wants to have what his brother has, someday. Being lovey- dovey and disgustingly cute with their partner. Taking them to dates. Spending quality time with them. Having them to share his thoughts with them. He wishes he meets his mate soon...

Seems like God really listened to him!
A/n: Hello everyone! How was it? Was it better than the last one? Hope you liked it!

Enjoy reading,

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